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My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

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My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE
Well first congratulations and appreciation for the progress with Dreamshell !
These days and been testing the HDD and Dreamshell 4.0.0 rc2 and testing various games to create a compatibility list . Extensions and applications also testing to see booting functionality and achieve Dreamshell HDD without problems, I also realized that I can only run GDI and the rest only in SD .
Well the point is that in these tests with GDI in the HDD this is what I got :
. - Chu Chu Rocket - eu ( starts and runs without problems)
. - MSR - us ( starts runs the intro and then goes black )
. - Crazy taxy - eu ( only black screen )
. - Soul Calibur - eu ( Namco logo and then starts Soul Calibur appears and freezes )
. - Sonic Adventure 2 - jp ( Sega logo appears and then freezes on the logo Sonic Team)
. - Sonic Adventure 2 - eu ( the same as the Japanese vercion )
. - Zombie Revenge - eu ( in black )
. - Ferrari F355 Challenger -eu ( in black and then restarts )
. - Street Fighter Zero 3 - jp ( capcom logo and hear is black )
. - Street Fighter III - Double Impact - us ( in black )
. - Dela Jet Set Radio - jp ( tiny issues but loads the demo and sticks in the middle of loading )
. - Virtua Tennis 2 - eu ( in black )
. - Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 - eu ( in black ).

I wanted to test options, turns viewing options in the Iso Loader (several options) and try change option that said LOADER MEMORY and switch to 0x8c004800 I think after that save and start a game and stayed in black whether restart the console to keep trying but I found that not running any game.
This led me to format the SD memory and load everything again to no avail, as it was still on if I assumed something had been encrypted in memory of the console so I decided to delete the changes and restore the factory changer Region but nothing happened: (
Yesterday, the day I realized that I could boot games from HDD without the SD memory if the Iso Loader running from the HDD everything worked ok but I can not run the games that came out the last few months and they do not come in if GD Roms CD Roms not in addition to those already had in ISO and CSO format. Any idea that was what happened or how to fix it?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.05.2014 в 15:39, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
26.05.2014 11:42
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SWAT Не на форуме

Сообщений: 7329
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Сообщение: #2
RE: My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE
(26.05.2014 11:42)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  Well first congratulations and appreciation for the progress with Dreamshell !
These days and been testing the HDD and Dreamshell 4.0.0 rc2 and testing various games to create a compatibility list . Extensions and applications also testing to see booting functionality and achieve Dreamshell HDD without problems, I also realized that I can only run GDI and the rest only in SD .
Well the point is that in these tests with GDI in the HDD this is what I got :
. - Chu Chu Rocket - eu ( starts and runs without problems)
. - MSR - us ( starts runs the intro and then goes black )
. - Crazy taxy - eu ( only black screen )
. - Soul Calibur - eu ( Namco logo and then starts Soul Calibur appears and freezes )
. - Sonic Adventure 2 - jp ( Sega logo appears and then freezes on the logo Sonic Team)
. - Sonic Adventure 2 - eu ( the same as the Japanese vercion )
. - Zombie Revenge - eu ( in black )
. - Ferrari F355 Challenger -eu ( in black and then restarts )
. - Street Fighter Zero 3 - jp ( capcom logo and hear is black )
. - Street Fighter III - Double Impact - us ( in black )
. - Dela Jet Set Radio - jp ( tiny issues but loads the demo and sticks in the middle of loading )
. - Virtua Tennis 2 - eu ( in black )
. - Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 - eu ( in black ).

You use GDI with optimization or not? I recommend optimize GDI images (convert BIN tracks to ISO format).
You have BIOS mod? How do you boot?
Sonic Adventure 2, Virtua Tennis 2, Jet Set Radio, Tokyo Extreme Racer 2, Crazy taxi, Soul Calibur it's a working games, try change loader memory to 0x8cfe8000 and try another images (other country).

(26.05.2014 11:42)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  I wanted to test options, turns viewing options in the Iso Loader (several options) and try change option that said LOADER MEMORY and switch to 0x8c004800 I think after that save and start a game and stayed in black whether restart the console to keep trying but I found that not running any game.
This led me to format the SD memory and load everything again to no avail, as it was still on if I assumed something had been encrypted in memory of the console so I decided to delete the changes and restore the factory changer Region but nothing happened: (

I have same problem with SD (black screen after select image) sometimes after autosave presets in ISO Loader. This is a bug Sad
But doesn't need to format SD card everytime, just remove bad preset in /apps/iso_loader/presets and run error checking on FAT. I'll fix it later, sorry.

(26.05.2014 11:42)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  Yesterday, the day I realized that I could boot games from HDD without the SD memory if the Iso Loader running from the HDD everything worked ok but I can not run the games that came out the last few months and they do not come in if GD Roms CD Roms not in addition to those already had in ISO and CSO format. Any idea that was what happened or how to fix it?

I'm not understand you about images.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.05.2014 в 15:39, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
26.05.2014 15:35
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kof888 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE
Street Fighter Zero 3 - jp GDI CDI ISO

Zombie USA GDI

i test is ok in cf
26.05.2014 17:30
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SWAT Не на форуме

Сообщений: 7329
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Сообщение: #4
RE: My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE

[Изображение: barbers.png]
29.05.2014 09:42
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

Сообщений: 52
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Сообщение: #5
RE: My dreamcast doesn't boot ISO, CSO or GDI from the SD! GDI only from the IDE
(29.05.2014 09:42)SWAT писал(а):  http://www.dc-swat.ru/blog/dreamshell/875.html
The isos are optimized and fails to return the motherboard my Dreamcast to normal Sad if I meet to preparing another motherboard ( which fortunately I have several ) but I'll have to give me the job of making all the mods again.
Thanks for the update! will post details and reports as to achieve complete modifications to the new motherboard.
The last thing mentioned was regarding support of ISO , CSO , CDI hard disk formats . I totally agree with you on using the original format (GDI ) for Dreamcast games but in my case (and maybe that of many people) is required to run Homebrews and Emulators , also some hacks like my Dead or Alive 2 Plus XD or Daytona USA 2001 (Scud Race Remix) with the music of Daytona Usa Arcade and Sega Scud Race and games that appeared after 2007 (not sold in GD-Rom but CD Rom)
Now I remember also wanted to test the Aes4All Chui (Neo Geo Aes emulator ) on your hard disk to see if there is an increase in reading speed data since even lags persist.
Whenever I get my Dreamcast running again with the mods, I'll finish my GD-Roms back and go by the compatibility list (as I have many import GD-Roms).
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 30.05.2014 в 02:06, отредактировал пользователь Dark Hayabusa.)
30.05.2014 01:35
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