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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Сообщение: #81
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
First of all, thanks for your amazing work SWAT. Smile

I've tested some games that don't have worked on previous version:

- Giga Wing 2 (US and EU) - Works fine on RC3 with DMA (beat the game yesterday);
- South Park Rally (EU) - Works on RC3 without CDDA, however requires region change on my US DC to work (some protection?).

I will test some other problematic games in the coming days Wink
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 15.09.2014 в 15:04, отредактировал пользователь Thiago.)
08.09.2014 16:23
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #82
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(08.09.2014 13:51)SWAT писал(а):  
(03.06.2014 01:21)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  .- Bangai-o (eu) not working (boot and get black screen after choosing 50/60Hz mode)
.- Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (eu) not working (boot and get black screen after choosing 50/60Hz mode)

This versions of games just not support VGA mode, but games working. After select HZ the games force composite video mode...
Problems can be solved by use game for US/JP instead EU.
Now I have a Composite video cable whether that I will review that soon.
I have a problem with my Dreamcast for Bios update a throw me an error and I was hurt the second Katana Bios (which had by default) think it was apparently something got disconnected.
'll fix that and I'll get back to try the games.
Two questions Swat:
.- What is the flag to enable CDDA reading?
.- What is for Boot Mode?
08.09.2014 20:50
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #83
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(08.09.2014 20:50)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  Two questions Swat:
.- What is the flag to enable CDDA reading?
.- What is for Boot Mode?

Flags for console command?
For enabling CDDA use "-c".
Boot mode used same flag "-j" with values 0, 1 and 2 (direct, ip.bin, ip.bin cut). By default it is "-j 0".

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09.09.2014 10:14
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Сообщение: #84
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Another game to the list:

- Silver (US) - Working fine on RC3 with default settings.
10.09.2014 20:22
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Сообщение: #85
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I just tested quake3 arena sdiso with sdcard, it works with cdda but the game appears to be accelerated like 300 fps!
Without cdda
the game works normal.
I tried change some configurations but with no sucess, is this normal? any ideia why this occurs ony in this game?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 11.09.2014 в 01:31, отредактировал пользователь R4mb0.)
11.09.2014 01:30
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Сообщение: #86
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(11.09.2014 01:30)R4mb0 писал(а):  I just tested quake3 arena sdiso with sdcard, it works with cdda but the game appears to be accelerated like 300 fps!
Without cdda
the game works normal.
I tried change some configurations but with no sucess, is this normal? any ideia why this occurs ony in this game?

Seems Quake 3 use the same SH4 timer as I use for CDDA playback... sad Sad I need to think about it.

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11.09.2014 08:55
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Thiago Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #87
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Another games tested: Exclamation

- Test Drive Le Mans (US) - Works fine!
- Cannon Spike (US) - Works fine with DMA!
- Tennis 2K2 (US) - Works fine!
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 15.09.2014 в 15:05, отредактировал пользователь Thiago.)
11.09.2014 15:55
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frankofdcswat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #88
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
The following games were tested on an SD card for Dreamshell RC3.

Bomber hehhe! ( Japan ) Works almost as well as a prior Dreamshell release. I got the game to work using the 0x8cfe8000 instead of the default. The only differences I seen between a prior DS and DS RC3 is that during a cut scene, there is a slight graphic glitch. This glitch is a small one that does not make the game lag or skip, it just sorta shows a quick overlay of the image in a different color very briefly. I only tested this game in the memory 0x8cfe8000 with the default settings for everything else. ( The game does not work on all default settings, I tried 0x8cfe8000 setting as a second attempt and the game booted right up. )

Army Men Sarge's Hero's ( USA ) This game works using the default settings but, this game seems better and worse than a prior Dreamshell release. I did not play this one for long, but the game gave me a quick game freeze for a very brief moment. This did not occur in a prior DS release. Again, I used only the default settings so I will go ahead and try other settings at a later time to see if they will help smooth out the game play. But to be fair, I only noticed the difference due to playing it on another DS release prior to RC3. The game loads saves just fine for me.

World Series Baseball 2K1 ( USA ) I have tried many different settings including trying to load from the IP.BIN but I can not get this game to work on RC3. This game worked on a prior release of Dreamshell. I know I did not try all the settings, but I did try a good amount with not one showing any intro. The screen just remains blank.

Spec Ops ( USA ) This game works just fine from the original default settings.

Lack of Love ( Japan ) This game plays just fine from the original default settings.

I have tried NFL 2k, NFL 2k2, NBA 2k2, WSB2K2 all USA release and none work. I have also tried PBA bowling even though I know PBA has an EXE file, I just went ahead and tried anyways and this does not work.
17.09.2014 00:09
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #89
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
frankofdcswat, this list not for SD Card, it's for IDE.
Of course your info can be used here, but not a problems with lags and reading speed in general. For SD you have one chance to help smooth out the game play, this is countdown the value of emu async and use ISO or optimized GDI images.

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17.09.2014 08:23
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Сообщение: #90
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Sorry, I only saw the title of the thread and did not assume it was meant for only IDE. I will go ahead and not resume adding to my original reply for the thread and maybe make a new thread for the people like me who are only able to use Dreamshell with an sd card. Thanks for your continuing work on Dreamshell, it just gets better and better with each new release. Hopefully the games I play on SD can lead to another trying them on IDE device, for it they work on SD card, they should work on the IDE.
17.09.2014 17:05
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #91
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(17.09.2014 17:05)frankofdcswat писал(а):  Sorry, I only saw the title of the thread and did not assume it was meant for only IDE. I will go ahead and not resume adding to my original reply for the thread and maybe make a new thread for the people like me who are only able to use Dreamshell with an sd card. Thanks for your continuing work on Dreamshell, it just gets better and better with each new release. Hopefully the games I play on SD can lead to another trying them on IDE device, for it they work on SD card, they should work on the IDE.

No problem.

(03.06.2014 01:21)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  These GD-ROM dump have been tested with dreamshell 4.0.0 rc3 3.5 ide HDD and Sega Bios Katana.

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17.09.2014 20:37
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Сообщение: #92
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Super Street Fighter 2X for Matching Service (J) GDI not working
Thank you for ISO Loader updates!
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 20.09.2014 в 23:04, отредактировал пользователь cloudstrifer.)
20.09.2014 06:36
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #93
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Swat might try the Virtual on SD and I can not even try for HDD, disarmament my Dreamcast completely welding Converter IDE SATA to the motherboard and make a kind of USB port to put a HDD SATA (And a fact that I forgot posting here is that I got SATA 2.5 HDD Western Digital 500GB Scorpio blue and this worked) Well the thing is that I am halfway through this alone and able to test games with SD card.
The game "Virtual on" starts but gives me a black screen with a message in Japanese (I think it gives me the GD Rom (jp) that I have in my collection of original games saying something like "this game is damaged or dirty") but you said it worked and I do not understand the message in Japanese if the image of the SD is GDI (eu).
You Might try it on your Dreamcast with SD card? (The motherboard of my Dreamcast is Japanese model)
Thiago the Test Drive Le Mans (US) I can not boot, just black screens. Could you post more details?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 21.09.2014 в 12:52, отредактировал пользователь Dark Hayabusa.)
21.09.2014 09:58
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #94
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok, I'll check it.

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21.09.2014 20:02
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cloudstrifer Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #95
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
My Sonic Adventure 2 and Street Fighter Zero 3 works perfectly for 8 hours or more.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Capcom vs SNK 2 the characters dont show on the screen, only scenary and sounds...

Sorry, ISO Make pack v2.3 solved problem.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 22.09.2014 в 17:06, отредактировал пользователь cloudstrifer.)
21.09.2014 22:51
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Thiago Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #96
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(03.06.2014 01:21)Dark Hayabusa писал(а):  Thiago the Test Drive Le Mans (US) I can not boot, just black screens. Could you post more details?
The gdi that works here is Test Drive Le Mans v1.000 (2000)(Infogrames)(NTSC)(US)(M3)[!].gdi, downloaded from freeroms and optimized with iso_make tools. Works fine with default settings, 80GB 3,5" IDE HDD and default bios. It's one of best racing games ever imo, so I was very happy when tested it and worked on RC3. Big Grin
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 22.09.2014 в 21:51, отредактировал пользователь Thiago.)
22.09.2014 21:48
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 Сказали спасибо: cloudstrifer
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Сообщение: #97
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I found a compilation, Capcom Fighting Collection (us / jap) CDI.

Super Street Fighter 2X - no problem
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike - no problem
Super Puzzle Fighter - no problem

Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Capcom vs SNK 2 - not work (characters dont show)

Thank you!
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.09.2014 в 23:24, отредактировал пользователь cloudstrifer.)
23.09.2014 18:50
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #98
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(21.09.2014 20:02)SWAT писал(а):  Ok, I'll check it.
Change the region of my Dreamcast and try running the Virtual On without good results, all from the SD reader.
I suspect that the problem occurs only from the SD as this game uses the serial port. However, the Ferrari F355 also uses this port and have no problems.
This game has had in the SD memory or just the HDD?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 24.10.2014 в 19:56, отредактировал пользователь Dark Hayabusa.)
24.10.2014 19:53
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #99
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Sorry, really no time for test it now. But I think you are right, this is the Serial usage problem. Seems Ferrari F355 works different.

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25.10.2014 08:46
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #100
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
PSO v2 working https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeZa9ZPZG4E but in video tested CDI.
Anyone try GDI with memory = 0x8cef8000

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(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 14.11.2014 в 11:23, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
14.11.2014 11:17
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