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[MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
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Хорошо [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
[MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide

Diagram DC-HDD:
[Изображение: Diagrama%20DC-HDD_zpsfftfxkhg.png]

1. 20,28, 32 and 34 these pins are not used in any connection

2. 2,19,24,26,30 and 40 these points are all soldiers to ground (GND)

3. All other numbers are according to the pin diagram it is at the beginning ..

Good friends Dreamcasters greetings, I decided to make the mod HDD and I must confess that cost me decide has do it first because I did not like the idea to make it a hole to my DREAMCAST .. As with mod SD READER saw many mods at that time some people did completely destroyed the dreamcast removing the serial port and placing there the sd reader even saw some that I do it in a Japanese dreamcast gentlemen c' on that's quite shit .. so what happened to me after a while thinking how to make mods without destroying my dreamcas could do both SD reader and HDD .., now let's see how it should be done to preserve intact their prized DC ..

Link to SD Reader Tutorial.

First it is to get an IDE cable 40 wires since there were also 80 wires but the latter does not serve us, once you have it must cut more or less as seen in the image .. can be more or less preferably over a missing .. I say that because when I began to carry out the process according to what I was supposed to achieve with this piece of IDE but then at the end of MOD I realized it was feeble and I had a little fit everything in Dreamcast close when that became an bunch of cables too close together and if he had left the wire with longer could be welded from different directions to prevent the cables accumulate in one place .. if you want the cable is short and I hize is more laborious but this is a personal decision how they want to ..
[Изображение: 19012016063_zpsnajvtbxa.jpg]

As I told them I did not want to make any cut through the shell so I managed to pass throught the IDE cable within disipation holes, if it blocks a little ventilation but not a whole there is still some space to disipation .. to pass through IDE cut it 4-wire 4-wire and was placed as shown in the picture .. I think now you have finished making the mod think could be cut from the sheet of the bottom tray when you close the dreamcast closed eye look perfect but if done should be done so as not to leave sharp edges that could cut cables, this would be a minimum modfication, I do not did thus not cut anything but when I closed the dreamcast knew what was pressing the ide cable and why not lock it to full and leave a little loose screws ..
[Изображение: 19012016066_zpsyhf9d99r.jpg]
[Изображение: 19012016067_zpslefskkqc.jpg]

In the pictures below you can see a very important part to successfully perform this mod .. here I will take a break to tell you that I have experience istalando mod chips for consoles those who know this know that they must prepare the cables by cutting a piece of insulating aproximandamente 1.2 millimeters from the tips and must tin each end with tin solder or if it is the case with lead-free solder that is more resistant to mechanical stress .. this is tedious but once you have all the tips tinned will perform very fast the soldier in each of the points where we weld according to the diagram ... and secondly also be avoided apply too much heat to the slopes of the plate which is a very common error which can cause the tracks from peeling ,, if we apply the tips and tin-plate welding and heat simultaneously provided more heat is applied and the whole is further complicated .. already see why I stress upon making this very important step ..

[Изображение: 19012016068_zpsdomhwzas.jpg]

Note: To peel the tips if they have wire strippers can be done with a razor blade not have much to not be passing some cable lead wires ..
[Изображение: 19012016069_zpsaw0ooj3y.jpg]

In the next picture you can see something that I did to all 10 strips of 4 wires each separate them wire cable at the same distance I thought it would be enough that distance but in the end I think it should have been even more distance between the tip and what separates as the picture looks and also had to use a slightly longer IDE cable but not speak and was advanced and to keep his job, that I mention is that if you had used a longer IDE cable could be welded from diferntes directions and I had not done a bunch of wires together in one place a ball that let me close the dreamcast complicate ...
[Изображение: 19012016070_zpsi8fbslsd.jpg]

Whenever you weld is better to use a little better solder paste rosin call for better welds not apply just enough demasida a bit at each point Soldas I apply it all from the beginning and does not point to point ..
[Изображение: 19012016071_zpscyogl3hj.jpg]
[Изображение: 19012016075_zps2bpzzv82.jpg]

Once we have everything ready to start welding as explained above to have and the tinned ends and applied rosin (solder paste) only the tips are presented with the point to be welded, so one little touch no exaggeration to say that unless 2 seconds and have a good weld to verify but must give a little tug small eye not going to try to lift the cable dremcast soldier XD .. jjajjajjajj
[Изображение: 19012016077_zpszmufq6vr.jpg]

Note: A tip or advice I better start step is initiated by the welding wire # 1 which is the RED wire IDE cable, and from there go in sequential order of any way we divided the IDE cable 10 cables ed one 4-wire this time facilitate us to keep track of where each wire welding without welding equicarnos and avoid mistakenly somewhere else is just a matter of paying attention and look good diagram and do it with patience .. Anyway if ago as I am explaining is all very fast and before you know it will have finished the soldier cable ..
[Изображение: 19012016078_zps2x2bzuth.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016079_zpsltuvotze.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016080_zpsexcxrq9j.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016082_zpsqri2uemd.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016084_zpsmsb1r5os.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016085_zpso1knfkca.jpg]

[Изображение: 19012016086_zpsmny9jp7u.jpg]

Here you can see every soldier and only a final check with the diagram .. just in case atravezaron us .. XD
[Изображение: 19012016090_zps4vek6sxl.jpg]

This sickle image I put a bottle of natural alcohol and a brush that's what would follow is not an essential step can be avoided but to remove excess rosin plate is placed outside the housing and proceed to wash with alchol gently area to drain all this out of the housing ..
[Изображение: 19012016088_zpslqbexpmt.jpg]

Making ground or earth, it would take the point you are in the picture is more advisable to do from here because it is the most direct taking of the power supply, I have seen elsewhere scraped from the shores of pcb or even They are taken from one end of tantalum capacitors (yellow squares) but this is not recommended that first weld point where I was ready to weld and the second will see sense to risk making a mistake on a distant point in the circuit. ..
[Изображение: 19012016091_zps0uymiuvw.jpg]

We continue with the gathered masses are 7 cables are the masses enough to peel a little more cables and put them all together and twist along the yellow cable ..
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since I started to weld I was leaving the masses and cables that are not used troze them tips this way at the end to gather the masses is easier ..
[Изображение: 20012016091_zpsfb1mjk3p.jpg]

Here you can see the 4 unused wires with ends trimmed and loose cable is # 39 which is that if we subsequently serve for placing the LED read notification of HDD ... This still does not but later realize sickle as it should be put to calculzar the value of resistance limiadora LED protection diode .. so soon leave you alone Yurex insulated tape ,,
[Изображение: 20012016092_zpsqfnservd.jpg]

The already welded masses.
[Изображение: 20012016094_zps9svlcbg1.jpg]

Well do not forget to isolate masas..XD, I put some TERMOFIT termoencojible but you can use duct tape or tape ..
[Изображение: 20012016097_zpslmqpncaa.jpg]
[Изображение: 20012016099_zps6yrppqrj.jpg]

They have heard the term house painter bit, we will not not paint but used a drill of this type to clean the plate if you drop resistan fell to the circuit or some little chunks of cable with this drill also took off all the dust ..
[Изображение: 20012016101_zpshachigxt.jpg]

Some extra protection.
[Изображение: 20012016102_zpstdyg5gzr.jpg]

Time gently place the motherboard in place, as said before this is somewhat laborious but in my case was complicated by qeu still not troze nowhere in conzola, had withdrawn from the metal tray below just the part where imprisons IDE cable hubiea been easier place, also if you had used a wire a little longer IDE could weld points from direccions difreentes and had not made a hard lump of accommodating as I run my but anyway with a little skill XD chapuzera ... everything is possible ...
[Img] [/ img]

The final result!
[Изображение: 20012016110_zps8p5nz4fo.jpg]

It is true that you can take the energy of the hard drive from the very source of the Dreamcast in the diagram are the points where welding wire for this purpose, but I recommend using external source that the switching power supply of Dremcast was not designed to add extra load and can not give problems can also give them, I personally burned several discs causes of poor nutrition, and hard drives are very susceptible to fail if the energy they are getting is not quality for this reason if take the energy from the energy source of Dreamacast are overloading the small fountain that was not designed for this purpose, in addition they can not only damage the hard drive also can be damaged over time the reader GD-ROMs of this I am sure by say they can cause innestabilidad in general funcionanmiento DC .. hard drives tend to suck electricity in quantities ..

This external source is a source of PC suffice any magufa however chanta or whatever, and to make it work just puentemaos between the cable [color = # 00BF00] Green [/ color] and one [color = # 000000] BLACK [/ color ] as is noted in the image with a simple cable is bridged with this and connected to the source disk does not start until we pressed the button on the Dreamcast .. but when you turn off the Dreamcast disc did not go out here if you disconnect the power source and the disc itself extinguished ..
[Изображение: 20012016108_zpseivpuenw.jpg]

GREETINGS AND DO NOT FORGET ... KEEP DREAMING [Изображение: net_thumbsup_zpsrcroik0n.gif]

more links

WORK IN PROGRESS PLEASE LEAVE WORK .... [Изображение: flamethrower_zpsqj5qqiqr.gif]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 14.03.2016 в 11:12, отредактировал пользователь nem.)
05.02.2016 06:53
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 Сказали спасибо: SWAT , LEUMAS , SILENT_Pavel , megavolt85
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RE: [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
Good tutorial!
But I would recommend not to solder the cable directly and make the IDE socket for cable. Because the IDE cables is not eternal.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
05.02.2016 08:40
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 Сказали спасибо: nem
nem Не на форуме

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RE: [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
IDE-SATA adapter fully compatible with Sega Dreamcast.

IDE-SATA adapter compatible with Sega Dreamcast.

[Изображение: hd-sata-500gb-note-wd-samsung-seagate-br...tdyp3t.jpg]

This already are tested and working perfectly.

StarTech IDE2SAT2 40-Pin IDE PATA to SATA Adapter Converter for HDD/SSD/ODD

LINK: StarTech IDE2SAT2 40-Pin IDE PATA to SATA Adapter Converter for HDD/SSD/ODD

[Изображение: jumpe%20slave%20-_zpsxxik9kll.jpg]

[Изображение: 1_zpsywnpdig5.jpg]

[Изображение: 1-3_zpshmusstte.jpg]

[Изображение: 1-2_zpsuurw9dv7.jpg]

Remenber! KEEP DREAMING!!![Изображение: net_thumbsup_zpsrcroik0n.gif]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 03.03.2016 в 06:14, отредактировал пользователь nem.)
03.03.2016 05:58
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Zimada Не на форуме

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RE: [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
SLAVE - РАБЫНЯ! Big Grin Ну в каком то роде она и есть. Cool
Вот вариант установки IDE гнезда. Кто то уже делал подобное но ник его я уже не вспомню. Очень аккуратное решение на мой взгляд... Правда все равно придется точить пластик.

.jpg  IDE_MOD2.jpg (Размер: 392.92 Кб / Загрузок: 940)
.jpg  IDE_MOD4.jpg (Размер: 136.06 Кб / Загрузок: 912)
.jpg  IDE_MOD6.jpg (Размер: 176.96 Кб / Загрузок: 890)
.jpg  IDE_MOD5.jpg (Размер: 164.91 Кб / Загрузок: 902)
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 05.07.2016 в 14:57, отредактировал пользователь megavolt85.)
21.03.2016 06:22
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 Сказали спасибо: LEUMAS
RolleR Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
(21.03.2016 06:22)Zimada писал(а):  SLAVE - РАБЫНЯ! Big Grin Ну в каком то роде она и есть. Cool
Вот вариант установки IDE гнезда. Кто то уже делал подобное но ник его я уже не вспомню. Очень аккуратное решение на мой взгляд... Правда все равно придется точить пластик.

Hi! Where can I find the Female IDE connector with holes for the screws?
Sorry for my poor english. Thanks!
07.03.2021 19:20
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MilkeyWilkey Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: [MOD] HDD without destroying your DREAMCAST → Step by Step Guide...
I don't think there was any holes on that connector, you can drill them yourself
08.03.2021 14:56
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