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Error 5
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thameslink Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #1
Error 5
Hi, read few posts about this its driving me crazy.
Installed piggy back flashed no problem. when I put the case back together problems started tried to flash again error 5 when it tries to write.
Found forward voltage all over the chip, remove the resistors and its still there all over 23-43 and into 12 on the other side.
26.08.2017 01:58
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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RE: Error 5
I too have this problem. If you find any solution to it please post here, I'll do the same.
28.08.2017 14:45
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news8019 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Error 5
Your problem is the welds, check all the chip feet with testers; Re-apply the resistance welding with particular attention. I have solved this, the same mistake.
I thought it was the fried chip, but it was enough to make the welds work well.

my DC
28.08.2017 22:59
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