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Зарегистрирован: 24.03.2012
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RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
KallistiOS Git revision v2.0.0-297-g89dd385:
Mon Dec 10 19:38:32 MST 2018
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
maple: active drivers:
Dreameye (Camera): Camera
Sound Input Peripheral: Microphone
PuruPuru (Vibration) Pack: JumpPack
VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
Mouse Driver: Mouse
Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
Controller Driver: Controller
Lightgun: LightGun
DMA Buffer at ac16c8e0
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC
maple: attached devices:
A0: Dreamcast Controller (01000000: Controller)
A1: Visual Memory (0e000000: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard)
pvr: enabling vertical scaling for non-VGA
DCE: PVR Initialized. VRAM Available: 1288960
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
snd_init(): loading 3332 bytes into SPU RAM
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/m4a1fire.wav
fs_iso9660: disc change detected
(joliet level 3 extensions detected)
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 37590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FP9mm1.wav
snd_sfx: file is not RIFF WAVE
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/noammo.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 15986 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/reload.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44162 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/hit.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 13744 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/headshot.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44484 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/camera/camera_03.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 6228 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FPmeleehandgun1.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 123532 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 49194 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48072 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48210 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 43812 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 67548 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 86312 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 83178 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 35124 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30208 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30576 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30852 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30644 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29794 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28372 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28324 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29474 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk6.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 26580 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactwood.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactmetal.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/melee/NMEmeleehandgun.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 39294 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/bombtick/bombtick.wav
WAVE file is mono, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 84442 bytes total, format 1
DCE: PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 512x512
DCE Bind Texture: 1 || Used: 67584
DCE: JPEG IMAGE Resolution: 64x64
DCE: Adjusted PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 64x64
DCE Bind Texture: 2 || Used: 75776
Unhandled exception: PC 8c064f86, code 1, evt 0100
R0-R7: 00000000 528a518c 630c73ae 7bcf6b6d 8c199928 8c194410 00000054 528a3184
R8-R15: 8c12436c 8c07b560 8c199930 8c0658a0 8c0bd064 00000040 00000040 8cfffcf8
SR 40000101 PR 8c0658cc
Stack Trace: frame pointers not enabled!
kernel panic: unhandled IRQ/Exception
arch: aborting the system
HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod