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vincent Не на форуме

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I´m trying to flash a MX29L3211 with to bios via Dreamshell.
Pin 1 is connected to pin 9 of IC509 and pin 44 is connected with ground or to 3.3V via 10k resistor.
When trying to flash MX29L3211 with Dreamshell I get the following message : Error Writing Fail. Status Code 4.
Dreamshell detects MX29L3211 and I can read from it, but not flash it?

Any idea?
29.03.2019 22:46
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Flashing
VA1 mainboard? Last dreamshell from github?
when you look "Error Writing Fail. Status Code 4.", press start, press A, create screenshot from console

need buy MX29L3211 and create dual bios Wink

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 30.03.2019 в 01:02, отредактировал пользователь megavolt85.)
30.03.2019 00:35
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Tomi132 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Flashing
(30.03.2019 00:35)megavolt85 писал(а):  VA1 mainboard? Last dreamshell from github?
when you look "Error Writing Fail. Status Code 4.", press start, press A, create screenshot from console

need buy MX29L3211 and create dual bios Wink

VA1 board and latest Dreamshell from Github.
I have already replaced the bios chip with MX29LV160 and flashed it with the Dreamshell bootloader. The Dreamshell folder is on a CF card.

Connected a MX29L3211 with the corresponding legs of MX29LV160.
Pin12 of MX29L3211 and MX29LV160 is connected with 3.3V via 10k resistor and you can switch between the two chips by connecting pin12 with diode D501.
Pin1 of MX29LV160 is connected with 3.3V
Pin44 of MX29LV160 is connected with Pin9 of IC502.
Pin1 of MX29L3211 is connected with Pin9 of IC502.
Pin44 of MX29L3211 is connected with 3.3V via 10k resistor respectivley ground : depends on which half of the chip you want to flash.

.jpg  IMG_0617.JPG (Размер: 129.45 Кб / Загрузок: 15)
05.04.2019 22:03
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 3190
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Сообщение: #4
RE: Flashing
update bflash module and check again

.7z  bflash.klf.7z (Размер: 7.65 Кб / Загрузок: 8)

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
06.04.2019 02:25
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