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how choice the cluster of sd of 64gb he dont have te opyion 32 cluster or 64 cluster
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nilfelix30 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #1
Плохо how choice the cluster of sd of 64gb he dont have te opyion 32 cluster or 64 cluster
hello i am begginer in SD mode i do the instal work is ok
but the games of atomi waves give Black screm dont work
i have a sandisk 64gb in fomated dont have the choice 32kb cluster and 64 cluster i am formated by format gui have otehr progra to format recomended
15.11.2021 20:02
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aldair Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: how choice the cluster of sd of 64gb
(15.11.2021 20:02)nilfelix30 писал(а):  hello i am begginer in SD mode i do the instal work is ok
but the games of atomi waves give Black screm dont work
i have a sandisk 64gb in fomated dont have the choice 32kb cluster and 64 cluster i am formated by format gui have otehr progra to format recomended

Cluster 64 is the best option to run games atomiswave needs loder 6.6.
Download: https://www.aomei.fr/partition-manager/pa-standard.html
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 15.11.2021 в 23:55, отредактировал пользователь aldair.)
15.11.2021 23:47
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
nilfelix30 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 4
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Сообщение: #3
RE: how choice the cluster of sd of 64gb
(15.11.2021 23:47)aldair писал(а):  
(15.11.2021 20:02)nilfelix30 писал(а):  hello i am begginer in SD mode i do the instal work is ok
but the games of atomi waves give Black screm dont work
i have a sandisk 64gb in fomated dont have the choice 32kb cluster and 64 cluster i am formated by format gui have otehr progra to format recomended

Cluster 64 is the best option to run games atomiswave needs loder 6.6.
Download: https://www.aomei.fr/partition-manager/pa-standard.html
thanks i go to download and format
18.11.2021 14:26
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