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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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frankofdcswat Не на форуме

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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
The following games were tested on an SD card for Dreamshell RC3.

Bomber hehhe! ( Japan ) Works almost as well as a prior Dreamshell release. I got the game to work using the 0x8cfe8000 instead of the default. The only differences I seen between a prior DS and DS RC3 is that during a cut scene, there is a slight graphic glitch. This glitch is a small one that does not make the game lag or skip, it just sorta shows a quick overlay of the image in a different color very briefly. I only tested this game in the memory 0x8cfe8000 with the default settings for everything else. ( The game does not work on all default settings, I tried 0x8cfe8000 setting as a second attempt and the game booted right up. )

Army Men Sarge's Hero's ( USA ) This game works using the default settings but, this game seems better and worse than a prior Dreamshell release. I did not play this one for long, but the game gave me a quick game freeze for a very brief moment. This did not occur in a prior DS release. Again, I used only the default settings so I will go ahead and try other settings at a later time to see if they will help smooth out the game play. But to be fair, I only noticed the difference due to playing it on another DS release prior to RC3. The game loads saves just fine for me.

World Series Baseball 2K1 ( USA ) I have tried many different settings including trying to load from the IP.BIN but I can not get this game to work on RC3. This game worked on a prior release of Dreamshell. I know I did not try all the settings, but I did try a good amount with not one showing any intro. The screen just remains blank.

Spec Ops ( USA ) This game works just fine from the original default settings.

Lack of Love ( Japan ) This game plays just fine from the original default settings.

I have tried NFL 2k, NFL 2k2, NBA 2k2, WSB2K2 all USA release and none work. I have also tried PBA bowling even though I know PBA has an EXE file, I just went ahead and tried anyways and this does not work.
17.09.2014 00:09
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - frankofdcswat - 17.09.2014 00:09

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