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RE: New Dreamcast Bios hack!
Custom BIOS goes to version 1.031
Цитата:Hi there,
I have been working quite a long time on that version. And not necessarily on the features that may sound hard. Changing from white to black the fade-in color when booting a GD-ROM took me a couple of hours. I was looking for something that does not exist in the code so that kinda explains why That version is intermediate in the sense that I needed to be sure that backups can boot without a system-reset before going any further in my research. Now that I know it is possible, many things are worth considering in the next versions. The first things that come to my mind are the extra region protections games can have (RGB/PAL protection, system broadcast check, etc.) then a in-game-reset that is working in all games. Finally, I am considering working on the bleemcast issue. As far as I know, it's the only game that does not like my bios....
Oh, yeah, speaking of that, I really need support. All my GD-ROM drives are broken and I need to get a new one. I would also appreciate if someone could make me an offer for a black Dreamcast, with its box. I am looking for an almost-new one (scratch-free). The US Sport Edition would even be better Well, it's time to let you download the "stuff" and enjoy it!
New features (for a long description, see the readme file):
SEGA License screen skip
MIL-CD/backup direct boot
Black fade-in color while booting from menu
No VMU copy-protected file check
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26.08.2015 18:33 |