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Сообщение: #89
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok thank you for your answers.

So this morning..I decided to test with ORIGINAL DS RC4.

So I make new preset with Crazy Taxi (it's an GDI OPT).
After I click an other games...
I click again on crazy taxi..no problem..I say OK...

I quit iso_loader..I come back on crazy taxi..and...blackscreen with many errors...

I reboot...I test again..the same thing..blackscreen with many errors...

I check the preset on my PC:

title = CRAZY TAXI
dma = 1
async = 0
cdda = 0
fastboot = 1
type = 0
mode = 0
memory = 0x8cfe0000

So nothing strange Confused

So it's worst ^^ Blush

I tested Donald Duck,it's an GDI.

No problem this time...!!!

So (I think) It's SURE with the original iso_loader version (RC4),no problem to save preset and load,but with GDI OPT blackscreen and errors.

And with your last iso_loader,it's depend...but crazy taxi and donald doesn't keep the preset!

EDIT 2 !!

So now it's sure,

With Original RC4,presets works with CDI and GDI,but not with GDI OPT (blackscreen and errors)

With Last Iso_loader,presets works but not with all games.

Bust a move in GDI OPT >> OK
Crazy Taxi in GDI OPT >> Nothing !

EDIT 3 !! the last ^^

With your last "build"

Presets works,but just a problem with GDI OPT ^^
If you made a preset,and after you want to SAVE again..blackscreen and errors !

But If I use this DS...many games doesn't work. ConfusedSad

So normallly for update my DS this is my procedure :

Цитата:>> Since DreamShell-master.zip
Copy in Apps gdplay
Copy in Apps iso_loader
(delete old folder iso_loader)
Copy rungd.bin in the folder firmware
Copy Digitalt.ttf in the folder fonts/ttf/
Replace the file DS_CORE.BIN at the root of DS

But with my procedure I don't have the same result for presets.

EDIT 4 !! the last..of last ^^

An other problem..
Always With your last "build"

For Crazy Taxi no problem..

BUT...If I add a cover for Crazy Taxi...after the preset doesn't work..

And If I remove..works... it's crazy !! Big Grin

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.11.2016 в 15:03, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
10.11.2016 13:18
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - dragoncity - 10.11.2016 13:18


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