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ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
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CrisMod Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #564
RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
Ok @SWAT, after more information I started making my own Frankenstein cable, basically I use the materials I have at home to speed things up.

To make this cable I use one of my old Chinese adapters from DC Serial Port to SD, in practice I disassembled the SD to TF adapter halfway to check the connections, and used the SD adapater PINS to solder to a micro board PINS (which I still have to finish soldering), so as not to ruin the 'Chinese DC Serial Port to SD adapter that I can use on other occasions and when I need "UART TTL connections" I just need to connect the SD/TF adapter then connect it to the Raspberry 3b+.

I made some sourcing, and it seems that I can directly use the Raspberry GPIO, in fact I have already prepared it to connect to the Dreamcast, now all I need is the cable to finish.

But before I close everything I would like to double check the connections with you, as not to make mistakes.

Please watch the Pic below.
So, I soldered and connected the two connections "CS" and "Ground" together (7 and 8 pin connect together); Then the only connections that go from the adapter to the Raspberry are 3 Dreamcast GND/RX/TX (3,4,5 pins) to the Raspberry GND/TX/RX (RX/TX, TX/RX), right?
And do I also have to connect the 3.3v pin from the Dreamcast to the Raspberry?

PS: Thanks @fafadou, for lucky in my board the Raspberry Pi 3b+, I no need to take out anything because my board has anything build-in including the Bluetooth.

.jpg  Serial_Pinouok.jpg (Размер: 448.9 Кб / Загрузок: 11)
15.09.2023 21:22
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RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5 - CrisMod - 15.09.2023 21:22

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