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SD Adaptor for English users
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #1
SD Adaptor for English users
Hi, I have been tinkering with a SD adaptor in my dreamcast, and so far have found bits and pieces of information all over the place! I'd like to say thanks to SWAT, and also Tux who has supplied most links so far, but I still havent found any website that offers all the programs from one site instead of linking all over the place. Also the programs often arent meant for this use and its hard to find information about how to use them. So, if anyone has a website that they are willing to start a section on, I am willing to contribute with programs, ISO's, and tutorials on building and using an SD-adaptor. I'm hoping SWAT wont mind me posting this here, as although this site has been ALOT of help, it is not aimed at english users!
So please email me if you can help : networkguy at hotmail dot co.nz

Also all you people ordering these from china, creating working games has so far been harder than building the hardware, so good luck! I can make these up for anyone who doesnt feel comfortable ordering from china, mine arent as pretty but they work sweet!

Ps: perhaps we should have a name for working ISOs to make searching easier! I propose SDISO, as it already seems to be sort of used?
28.01.2011 02:29
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
Hello! I would help you set up a thread over at Dcisozone, and if you needed to add more info to the thread I could edit it for you when need be.


I think it would be best to post it in the tutorials section there. Also, the site admin is making me an SDISO section, so I will be uploading games there very soon when he makes it available.

Also, I think Dreamcast Talk would be good for a "sister thread" too.

28.01.2011 02:59
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
Hey I saw a comment from them and have contacted them about it so hopefully it will be up soon. I will perhaps start a thread on that link you sent, and start adding info to it as I go, but what I would really like is a dedicated page rather than a forum thread, as these quickly get filled up with junk and unreliable links! In this forum someone has kindly put up an FTP server that can be uploaded to, but this cannot be found on google and doesnt contain any text to help explain what the files are etc (otherwise a good effort though Smile )

Also we need a good reliable database about how to convert each game, i.e whether to use binhack or dahack, whether to use Katana or Homebrew for loading (does that even make sense?) etc. I have made some games work myself, like code veronica, so I know im doing it right, but with other games, I dont want to say for sure that they dont work because how do I know it isnt my fault? Or perhaps just a guide that you try part one, and if the game doesnt work try part 2 etc until you have tried all possible ways... Instead of complaining I will contribute some of this info as soon as I can work it out!!
28.01.2011 04:31
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
I hear you there, it would be best to have a site dedicated to it in English. Make a full fledged site detailed and dedicated to the SDISO project, and people will be sure to come.

Also, we could make a tutorial on how to get the SDLoaders from China, how it translates Yuan into US Dollars and whatnot. I am all for making these more available to people.
28.01.2011 06:11
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
It doesnt need to be whole site, part of an existing site would probably be best but just something better than a forum. I'm from New Zealand and have no interest in US$ Tongue Also it seems to me that it was invented by JJ1ODM? What does he think of his idea being mass produced? Because if I were to put up instructions, it would give credit to him, and I would show people how to build it into their machines simply and easily, using parts from a local shop rather than ordering from overseas. Don't get me wrong, those devices look great and they make it accessible to everyone, but I imagine alot of people buying them are going to have the same trouble I have (getting games working), only they wont have the knowledge that I have... Unless he includes some new programs that I havent seen? and if they are freeware can someone please upload? From what I have heard it is recommended to use dreamshell with them?

Also I have wondered if SWAT is getting anything from the sales of those units, if they are using his software?
28.01.2011 06:52
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
By the way anthony, I just saw your thread about how you ordered the adaptor from china, and noticed that was 3 months ago, and in another thread you mention that they say it will be shipped after chinese new year... I could have one made up and shipped in 24 hours haha youd just have to solder it in yourself but its honestly not hard, I wish I could get plugs and I'd make these myself for english speakers to deal with, as it seems such a hassle going through buyfromtaobao, then taobao, to the guy, and then back through them to get it to you! So if they stuff you round let me know.
You also mentioned about his ultimate mod featuring VGA port etc. I have been doing these for quite a while now, not just on dreamcast but all consoles, and it is quite popular here in New Zealand, where all machines are PAL. Its not hard to find instructions to do, but otherwise I could maybe help you out.

If these could even just play resident evil at full speed off SD, I would be so happy Smile By the way, the only mod I havent done on dreamcast is the bios mod but I want to so badly! Can someone point me to some good instructions?
28.01.2011 07:23
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
I do not get any money from sales of SD adapters ... In addition, those who sell, change the logo (and background) on dreamshell to like a windows xp ...
On my site (not forum), anyone can register and write new topics. I think it is expedient to keep the information in one place. Also, if you wish, I can do torrent tracker is integrated into the site.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
28.01.2011 07:44
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
But are you able to make more information available to english speakers? I have seen links to your site ending in .net.ru and I thought this might be english version but the site seems to be down? I thought it might be my DNS server, but doesnt work through american proxy either Sad Is this forum all you have or am I missing something?? I wouldnt dream of changing your logo (wouldnt have a clue how Smile ) but I do charge people to do mods to their consoles, and I would like to start offering this one too but I need to provide them with instructions, hence why I am happy to write a tutorial and share it, just as you share your software with us Smile Also if you made a special version for me, I would pay you!
28.01.2011 08:02
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
I just ordered the adapter on the 18th, so it definately couldn't have been 3 months ago. Tongue

About the modchip, we talked about them here.

Also, a guy was just asking where to still get the easy 4 pin ones at.

If you find some, please let me know so I can pass on the information to them.
28.01.2011 08:28
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #10
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
(28.01.2011 08:02)networkguy писал(а):  But are you able to make more information available to english speakers? I have seen links to your site ending in .net.ru and I thought this might be english version but the site seems to be down? I thought it might be my DNS server, but doesnt work through american proxy either Sad Is this forum all you have or am I missing something?? I wouldnt dream of changing your logo (wouldnt have a clue how Smile ) but I do charge people to do mods to their consoles, and I would like to start offering this one too but I need to provide them with instructions, hence why I am happy to write a tutorial and share it, just as you share your software with us Smile Also if you made a special version for me, I would pay you!

.net.ru an old domain, it does not work anymore.
You can write information in English on my site, I do not mind.
What do you mean by a special version?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
28.01.2011 13:44
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networkguy Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #11
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
Well what I would really like to see is something that can rip discs without bios mod (I assume thats the fix). At the moment I am booting from disc, and if I click the rip button, it will try to rip the current disc being dreamshell, and if I try to swap to the disc I want before ripping it says command not found, and I'm guessing thats because it is running from CD rather than from memory. I'm more used to DOS, and I remember the fix for this in the old days was to setup a ramdisk, have your dos files on there, and that allowed you to swap out the floppy and work on another one. Could you do something similar? Or, am I doing something wrong in the first place?!

And with regards to your site, will you expand the english section to be more than just forums if people provide content? Also can you point me to some detailed information on how the 1st_read.bin and ip.bin files are used? I have been using programs to modify them without understanding what i'm doing. Also do you know anything about JJ1ODM's programs? his loader will load stuff that DS doesnt and vice versa, I thought that was pretty interesting, and his ripper seems to fail on even the mintest of discs, has anyone had success with it?
28.01.2011 15:01
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #12
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
Loading DreamShell from SD card using "DreamShell from SD loader" and you will not have problems with Rip, you do not need a bios mod!
In addition, if DreamShell flash to the BIOS and boot from there, the GD-ROM at this time does not work at all.

On site, you can create different blogs to infinitySmile It all depends on who will write the content.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 29.01.2011 в 11:14, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
29.01.2011 11:13
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #13
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
04.02.2011 11:57
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krabe Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #14
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
Privet SWAT,

One question about the SD adapter. How fast is this and of course how fast can i using gdrip on a gdrom. 15 Hours? I saw that games are working, but have some lags, cause the speed of serial/usb adapter is too low. Have somebody tested it yet?

thx in advance for answers.
20.02.2011 01:51
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ms18e Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #15
RE: SD Adaptor for English users
(20.02.2011 01:51)krabe писал(а):  Privet SWAT,

One question about the SD adapter. How fast is this and of course how fast can i using gdrip on a gdrom. 15 Hours? I saw that games are working, but have some lags, cause the speed of serial/usb adapter is too low. Have somebody tested it yet?

thx in advance for answers.

Ripping a game from GD costs about 5 hours. I started ripping in late the night and go sleep, in the next morning I found it done.

For the game executing speed, I don't think the adapter shall be blamed, while the bottleneck should be DC serial port or SD serial mod access (I didn't evaluate it).
20.02.2011 08:29
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