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Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
I am not sure what the problem is, but I have reformatted my card once already. I can run sdiso's of retail games and the Neo Geo emulators PERFECT.

The problem is that no matter what other Homebrew game or emulator it is, they will just not work on my larger card anymore. I can however run them fine from a 2gb card, so I am thinking that it must have something to do with the card access rate. It seems like Dreamshell can't execute the homebrew iso's right for some reason.

Also, when I try and browse my 32gb card, it seems to be getting corrupted somehow. When I try and browse my Snes roms, they have strange characters and symbols for their name.

My card is formatted in FAT32.

Please, somebody give me some help here. I am running out of ideas.
10.04.2011 01:42
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
I did not understand what does not work Smile
DreamShell(not sdiso) work from 32 GB card?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
10.04.2011 12:46
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
Цитата:they will just not work on my larger card anymore
So.. at one time, they were working on the 32gb card?

I agree with your assessment of some sort of corruption. I don't think it has to do with access rate though. That should be mostly irrelevant to the size of the card, or the current amount of data on it.

What if you format the 32gb card and then -only- install (along with dreamshell, of course) one of these emulators that is giving you trouble. See if it still gives you trouble when it's all alone on the card.

How full was your card before things started to go strange? Perhaps the address range that the sdcard driver can handle is limited to lower than 32gb?
11.04.2011 08:32
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
Small homebrew sdiso's won't work with my 32gb card.

For instance, I successfully created sdiso's of the SNES, Amiga, and Atari ST emulators. These work on my 2gb card only.

When I place them in the 32gb card, I get this error if I run the emulators from Dreamshell. This is SNES4ALL error.

[Изображение: 100_6883.jpg]

I get a screen like this, only on my 32gb card. Everything works fine on my 2gb card.

I have created a sdiso of NesterDC SE, but I included all the roms from my cd I ripped it from on my PC. The 32gb sd card plays this perfectly. My guess is that it doesen't like small isos for some reason?

(11.04.2011 08:32)Dingo писал(а):  How full was your card before things started to go strange? Perhaps the address range that the sdcard driver can handle is limited to lower than 32gb?

Well, I have about a good 10 gigs on it I reckon, but the thing is that I completely reformatted it in windows and just copied over the working stuff from my 2gb sd card.

I have everything in a folder called DS though, the actual OS I don't run from the card, but from a CD. Does everything have to be on the root or what? I am trying to keep it all organized but that is the only thing I can think of that might be giving me troubles?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 11.04.2011 в 10:54, отредактировал пользователь Anthony817.)
11.04.2011 10:44
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
Interesting error. The card works, but apparently the data is read wrong (then execution failed).
DreamShell loaded from SD normal (if you run with the DS From SD Loader)?

http://www.dc-swat.ru/forum/thread-1536.html ???

Although the problem may be in memory, what size of the binary?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 11.04.2011 в 16:59, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
11.04.2011 16:58
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #6
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
У меня такое окно вылезло однажды при попытке загрузки какого-то образа ...
11.04.2011 17:43
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
(11.04.2011 17:43)Василий писал(а):  У меня такое окно вылезло однажды при попытке загрузки какого-то образа ...

При загрузке образа такого быть не может, так как в таком случае DS не грузит бинарник, а только загрузчик. Хотя если только при загрузке загрузчика такое произошло... Видимо был сбой при загрузке данных.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
12.04.2011 06:11
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: Having problems running homebrew on my 32gb card.
What is "snes4des.bin"?

It doesn't look like dreamshell is trying to start an sdiso there... Looks like it's just loading a binary.

Maybe try this all again but with loading Dreamshell form the SD card instead of a CD. Perhaps some DS files on your CD are bad? Just a thought. Probably won't help because you state it works for your 2gb card, but it can't hurt to try.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 12.04.2011 в 18:58, отредактировал пользователь Dingo.)
12.04.2011 18:53
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