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Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #41
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
"Dingo how are my facts wrong, 8 commercial games and some emus work THATS IT"

You know, that sticky thread doesn't list ALL the Dreamcast games available. You should've figured that much out by now. 8 games work? I have a folder with about 15 games I snagged from the ftp so that's complete bullshit already (and there are more on the ftp I didn't get)

"Im telling it how it is, from pinned thread on this site, i want to get a sd card, but after reading that thread i see no point right now."

Then why post, continuously, in these sd adapter (specific) forum topics? You don't own one, and you're not even going to buy one!?

"Also Dingo i see nothing wrong with a spoon fed tutorial on all this with links and instructions in future. "

It just isn't that simple, unfortunately. Different games require different methods of ripping so you'd need multiple guides. Again, this much is clear and you should've figured this out by now.

Anyway, thanks for bringing some life to these forums djvectorman, even if it hasn't quite been for all the right reasons! Smile
03.03.2011 16:24
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superdefault Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #42
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(03.03.2011 16:24)arthur2shedsjackson писал(а):  Anyway, thanks for bringing some life to these forums djvectorman, even if it hasn't quite been for all the right reasons! Smile
somehow...i second that. Wink

i am pretty happy whith the things that actually work. i am using DreamShell in my 'dreamcast equipped arcade machine'. i modded dreamshell a little to jump right into an modified version of the filemanager. works pretty good as a frontend for the arcade machine. i am looking forward to the next update!

i would love to do something like the homebrew browser on the wii. but my LUA/SDL skills are ehm...pretty non existent.
03.03.2011 17:04
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #43
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Art :

"You know, that sticky thread doesn't list ALL the Dreamcast games available. You should've figured that much out by now. 8 games work? I have a folder with about 15 games I snagged from the ftp so that's complete bullshit already (and there are more on the ftp I didn't get)"

Of course i figured that out, read carefully, AT THE TIME PINNED THREAD LISTED 8 GAMES THAT WORKED PERFECT, PERFECT, NO AUDIO GLITCHES OR VIDEO FRAME SKIP ETC. IT WAS EDITED AT 2, THEN 8, WELL IF YOU GOT 15 PLEASE POST INFO IN THREAD. Not yelling just making it clear im tired of repeating. Theres a difference between games working decent and PERFECT.

"Then why post, continuously, in these sd adapter (specific) forum topics? You don't own one, and you're not even going to buy one!?"

LOL is this not a sd thread !? I was going to buy one, after reading pinned thread im thinking twice. I still might get one in future.

Im asking innocent questions and posting info via pinned thread, yet others say im being negative , throwing negative dictionary definitions in my face, yes read those definitions i have already stated i love the idea of sd card and its cool it can do many things, but i was under impression from dcemu.uk it did play any gd rom game, played beats of rage hbs, played all emus and it could be used with windows ce. After reading pinned thread it seems thats not the case. Is that statement negative? No. It simply is what it is. Im still interested in sd card, hence im posting in sd threads LOL. Thx glad to liven things up. Cant wait to hear from dingo from my page 2 reply.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 03.03.2011 в 21:14, отредактировал пользователь DJ VECTORMAN.)
03.03.2011 21:12
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #44
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
And here is another accurate fact, as i said by reading this from pinned thread it seems my 5 rythem of destruction type homebrews wont play like kill bill etc :

Beats Of Rage 1.0028
Boots? No
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 3 (sdiso module v0.2.0).
Reported by: TuxTheWise."

Like i said guys, try to clearly read my sentences...perfect isnt decent.
04.03.2011 11:04
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #45
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
You want a tutorial, well here is one I made that should make it as painless as possible to get one, but I'll leave the technical bits out, like making SDIso's on your PC as there are instructions here already.

05.03.2011 01:37
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #46
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Wow thx so much Anthony, your definitely the best member and most helpful...
06.03.2011 02:36
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #47
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Anthony, if i send you $25 can you get me sd adapter and put the several gd rom, nes emus, neo geo emu, with roms and burn me that sd flv multi purpose playa on cd or is it a program that goes on sd?
10.03.2011 13:13
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #48
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
That program can either go on the SD card itself, or be burnt to a CD and have SD support with no need for Dreamshell.

About ordering one for you, well, my friend that is from out of town did it for me, as I don't have a Paypal account or credit card, and I gave him the money. If you have an account already, just follow my tutorial, it is very simple to understand I think.
13.03.2011 02:44
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #49
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Ok but my computer doesnt have a sd port so i cant burn info on it, plus since you know exactly how to do dreamshell, readfile, etc id thought id ask.
16.03.2011 02:09
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #50
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Well, my PC can't read my 32GB SDHC card either, so I will have to use a friends PC to get games on it, and it will already be a hassle to get games on it in the first place for me lol.
16.03.2011 11:53
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #51
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(03.03.2011 06:48)DJ VECTORMAN писал(а):  Dingo how are my facts wrong, 8 commercial games and some emus work THATS IT now you claim homebrews work YET THIS PINNED THREAD ON THIS SITE SAYS NO, im getting info from here.
Your facts are wrong because they are. Let's just put it that way. I've got just about every emulator running. There are certainly more than 8 retail games already available at the FTP i the sticky as well. Your assumption that you had all the info was wrong. Why would I lie to you about this?

Цитата:You cant understand if my gd-rom broke how sd card could be helpful...really? Obviously if gd broke my dc would NOT run games without sd.
I don't remember indicating that I couldn't understand why a SD card would be helpful to someone with a broken dreamcast. In fact, I'm that kind of person. I have a dreamcast at home with a broken GD-Rom... This is my reason for even messing with the SD card in the first place, so of course I understand how it could help. That's my whole reason for being here. So I'm not sure how you got the impression that I didn't understand that concept. You would need to install a piggy-backed BIOS chip though to get a DC booting from the SD card with no working gd-rom drive. And I''ve read that the current version of sdiso (the program used to launch iso'ed games from dreamshell) doesn't work correctly when you've booted dreamshell from a modified bios instead of the gd-rom drive, but I have no experience with this. Apparently, that's an issue that is being worked on.

Цитата:Stop telling me to calm down, im calm.
Did I do that? Don't' remember doing that. But expressing one-self with the caps lock on is indicating that one has lost there cool, or is no longer calm, so I would have been within my rights to assume you were getting agitated by using caps.

Цитата:Thank you for answering dos question respectfully though. However,
Respectful questions get respectful answers.

Цитата:This is a prick statement :

"Many of them are clearly assumptions made by a person who has no experience using the SDcard, and doesn't clearly understand it's purpose. People have tried to explain it to you but you won't relent in your inaccurate preconceptions of the device and what it's intended use is."
It's also accurate...

Цитата:I know its a sd card ada, people play some commercial games on it ,it can fit in your pocket instead carrying scratching your gd rom games. It runs some emus like nesternes. Theres 4 versions of adapters controller plug, 3 serial back dc adapters. But does the 32gb card work yet?


Цитата:If so what brand card should i get with that adapter?
Whatever brand supports SPI mode. Probably any brand will work.

Цитата:Im not being negative towards sd at all, i clrealy said i have nothing against it and im interested in it, im just telling it how it is from how the pinned thread was before it was edited.
'Saying' you have nothing against something is quite different than actually conducting yourself in that manner. Actions speak louder than words and you continue to claim you have nothing against the SD card adapter in the same threads that you list faults, and mock it for not being able to do certain things it was never supposed to do in the first place.

Цитата:If others online come here i dont want them thinking it can run/fit all best dc gd games, emus, homebrews, etc all on 1 32gb card PERFECTLY WITH NO SOUND ERRORS ETC.

Why in the world would they think that if they came here? There is no indication that that is possible, in fact if you read even a little, you already know that's not possible. I've never seen that advertised as SD card capabilities anywhere, so I don't understand where someone would get that impression.

Цитата:Dont degrade me because theres discjuggler alc120 nero burn questions with dreamshell, im awaiting the newer version, i just hope it has clear instructions.
You degrade yourself. I've not seen any burn issues mentioned anywhere and the instructions that came with the download from this very site were plenty clear.

Цитата:Another prick statement :
"Actually you have been very negative about it's ability to run commercial games (something it was never intended to do in the first place.) I seem to recall you posting "It only runs 2 commercial games and won't run home-brew". These are certainly -NOT- facts. in this very post I am quoting you are about to mock the cards 'abilities' as you understand (though incorrectly) them in a very condescending way. If that's not being 'negative' then I guess the dictionary is wrong."

Im telling it how it is, from pinned thread on this site, i want to get a sd card, but after reading that thread i see no point right now. Obviously im new to this, so instead of being a prick how about just trying to help like Anthony does respectfully with me.
See that's the problem though.. You're 'telling it like it is' to someone that knows from personal experience that what you are saying is not 'the way it is'. Then when I tell you that you are wrong, you continue (yet again) to insist that you know more than me because 'the sticky here says so'.

I don't have a problem helping you respectfully when questions are posed respectfully. It also couldn't hurt to start believing what people tell you, and not putting so much stock in a sticky thread that hasn't been updated in almost a month.

If you want to talk strictly about information from sticky threads why don't you check out the one that has the FTP link in it, you could easily see there are more than 8 commercial games already available.

Цитата:Ok where is this "1st_read.bin" in cd dc dl game file, im not great with computers so stop mocking me.
I never mocked you.

1st_read.bin is the default name of the main game file that runs on your DC. This is what dreamshell will look for on the iso you are trying to run. On some games it's called something else though... like 'thegame.bin'. When people talk about changing the name, this is what they mean. If the games executable is called 'mygame.bin' you need to change it to '1st_read.bin' for the current sdiso program to find it.

Цитата:Also whats best site to dl WORKING gd dc games?

But if you want ready prepared games you can just put on a SD card and go the nthe best place is the FTP site in the sticky thread right here.

Цитата:Actually theres like 5 threads where people were confused about how to burn dreamshell correctly.
I haven't noticed any. If you need specific help I would be happy to offer it.

Цитата:Thx answering emus questions respectfully as well. But thx for Anthony for giving me links, many others emu had errors when i searched on google so thx ant.

I've com across more emulators that work than ones that don't. The only I can think off the top of my head that I couldn't get working were dreamsnes (but superfamicast works and is just about as fast.. some games even run faster... sound doesn't work great though) Mame4all, and neogeopocket color emulator (whatever that's called). Every other emulator I've tried works. Genesis emulators all seem to work, nester works, atari 7800, atari 5200, atrai 2600, gamegear/sms works, scummvm works, gameboy emulators work, plenty of neogeo games already out there too. The amiga, amastrad, atari st, atari 800, MSX, dosbox... all worked. Even the way-too-slow-to-play N64 emulator ran (though of course, at the same slow speed).

Цитата:Also Dingo i see nothing wrong with a spoon fed tutorial on all this with links and instructions in future. If you wanna degrade me or insult me or make assumptions im not calm or say info i got info from pinned thread wrong, thats, fine, however im hoping you can answer a couple of question i asked you in this post respectfully. Thx
I don't have a problem with a spoon-fed tutorial either. There are already a couple that I would consider good enough to get people started. I was able to find all the information I needed though with minimal effort. I know that doesn't help you, but that's my perspective. The information is out there... it didn't just manifest itself in my head one morning.

My intention was not to degrade or insult you. I don't 'want' to do either. There is no purpose in it. I was responding to what looked like a poster who was getting frustrated and possibly angry just because they didn't understand something fully. Then I saw that same poster denying the reality of things they were being told by people that were attempting to offer assistance, claiming that the people that were offering him answers were 'getting emotional'. How is that not provocative on your part? Is that respectful? I don't think so. I spoke up on their behalf. I hope in the future you can come into a thread with a more respectful attitude, instead of being so negative and unreceptive to reality. I guarantee you you'll get better results.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.03.2011 в 20:03, отредактировал пользователь Dingo.)
16.03.2011 19:38
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #52
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
"I hope in the future you can come into a thread with a more respectful attitude, instead of being so negative and unreceptive to reality."

Is the theme i constantly get from you. Dodgy

What question were not respectful from me?

What negative attitude?

Im reading the info you guys wrote here.

I like how you didnt quote me "on dc emu uk they claimed sd card could do all these things", which they did, which is why i was disappointed here to find out only 8 work perfect (maybe more now) ,gd games i mean.

No beat of rage homebrews dont work it said, thats what it said. Does it since you have sd? All my hb are beats of rage.

No point for me to go to ftp thread when a thread of games working was made.

My keyboard been messed up i typed with caps alot, its not me being mad lol. I gotta get a usb keyboard i guess this one is iffy.

Im not degrading myself, im telling you that you are misjudging me, nothing i did here was disrespectful.

At the time only 8 games listed worked PERFECT, so no my facts werent wrong. They edited thread said 2 perfect, then 8. Perfect, read, perfect.

Maybe mods should keep info updated.

Btw i deal with reality, reality is you seem emotional i was pointing out what it couldnt do from info posted here...and? Get over it. Actions speak louder than words, but im typing. I like the idea of sd card so much im getting one, in your world thats negative? Ok.

Anyway enough of this back and forth, im most likely gonna buy 1 but i need somebody to set up things i have no sd port. This is a sd thread, not a dingo vs vector thread.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.03.2011 в 06:45, отредактировал пользователь DJ VECT0RMAN.)
17.03.2011 06:34
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corn.korn Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #53
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
а где это чудо взять можно?
27.04.2011 23:29
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #54
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(27.04.2011 23:29)corn.korn писал(а):  а где это чудо взять можно?


Только вот зачем ты пишешь по русски в английском разделе, людям, которые не понимают русский язык?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.04.2011 в 13:53, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
28.04.2011 13:52
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fatman01923 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #55
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(28.04.2011 13:52)SWAT писал(а):  
(27.04.2011 23:29)corn.korn писал(а):  а где это чудо взять можно?


Только вот зачем ты пишешь по русски в английском разделе, людям, которые не понимают русский язык?

I just purchased one from that site, is it yours by the way? I would like to say thanks because I did not want to buy from taobao! Big Grin
30.04.2011 07:30
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #56
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(30.04.2011 07:30)fatman01923 писал(а):  I just purchased one from that site, is it yours by the way? I would like to say thanks because I did not want to buy from taobao! Big Grin

No, this is not my site.
Author here - http://www.dc-swat.ru/forum/thread-1600.html

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.04.2011 11:53
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fatman01923 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #57
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(30.04.2011 11:53)SWAT писал(а):  
(30.04.2011 07:30)fatman01923 писал(а):  I just purchased one from that site, is it yours by the way? I would like to say thanks because I did not want to buy from taobao! Big Grin

No, this is not my site.
Author here - http://www.dc-swat.ru/forum/thread-1600.html

Thank you SWAT, I will now tell him my thanks. Big Grin
01.05.2011 01:30
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