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Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #21
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
CDI have few versions, not all supported
most games don't work with CDI, use GDI

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
21.03.2019 06:15
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HPX Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #22
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 06:15)megavolt85 писал(а):  CDI have few versions, not all supported
most games don't work with CDI, use GDI

many thanks friend

is there any method or tool can transform CDI to GDI?

i also download many games as GDI format but this game has many files that include one GDI file as Guilty Gear X (Japan).gdi and some BIN files like track01.bin and some RAW files like track36.raw (i attached picture with my GDI game status)
i just need to copy this game's folder into my RC4 IDE HDD and than change my scripts path for run Guilty Gear X (Japan).gdi , is it the correct method for play GDI?

.png  gdi.png (Размер: 73.63 Кб / Загрузок: 2)
21.03.2019 06:33
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #23
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
look compatibilities list Guilty Gear X need optimise
use DreamShell from github, you can make link from app isoloader
transform CDI to GDI is very hard work, need special version mkisofs, and many changes in hex editor

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
21.03.2019 06:47
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HPX Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #24
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 06:47)megavolt85 писал(а):  look compatibilities list Guilty Gear X need optimise
use DreamShell from github, you can make link from app isoloader
transform CDI to GDI is very hard work, need special version mkisofs, and many changes in hex editor

many thanks friend
i download D2 and sega rally2 with GDI format , for D2 game's 4 files included "1)132-1.gdi(i renamed,i had download 132 games ) ,2) track01.bin,3)track02.raw,4)track03.bin" , than i created *.dsc as below for play this game in RC4, but it can't work, the system seems died when i run this game by DSC and i need reboot my DC
i don't know if this is the correct method for play GDI , please help me friends,

another problem:i run "isoloder" in RC4 system but the screen hold at "loading", i deleted DS folder and re-copy new one in my HDD but still has't settle this problem ("setting" "flash" all are died at "loading")

module -o -f /ide/DS/modules/minilzo.klf
module -o -f /ide/DS/modules/isofs.klf
module -o -f /ide/DS/modules/isoldr.klf
isoldr -x 0x8c004000 -e 8 -f /ide/DS/Games/132-1/132-1.gdi
console --show
21.03.2019 16:23
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #25
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
sega rally2 work only with optimised gdi
download GDI optimisator

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
21.03.2019 18:25
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HPX Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #26
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 05:56)HPX писал(а):  
(20.02.2018 01:06)megavolt85 писал(а):  my frend use 0x8cff0000 and this nice worked for him

i got problem on my RC4 IDE mod
i downloaded many games said 129 CDIs (from:https://replayers.org/dc-iso/capcom-fighting-collection-hack-dc-iso/)but just 20games can play in my RC4
some games are black screen , some games show image is not iso9668
some games hold at loading screen and show "Executing....."
i change isoloder from v0.6.0 to v0.6.6 but executing failed
i use scripts for play CDI game as below
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/minilzo.klf
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/isofs.klf
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/isoldr.klf
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8c004000 -f /IDE1/DS/Games/1.cdi
console --show

please help me if you know how to settle this problem, many thx with you help

(20.02.2018 01:06)megavolt85 писал(а):  my frend use 0x8cff0000 and this nice worked for him

i got problem on my RC4 IDE mod
i downloaded many games said 129 CDIs (from:https://replayers.org/dc-iso/capcom-fighting-collection-hack-dc-iso/)but just 20games can play in my RC4
some games are black screen , some games show image is not iso9668
some games hold at loading screen and show "Executing....."
i change isoloder from v0.6.0 to v0.6.6 but executing failed
i use scripts for play CDI game as below
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/minilzo.klf
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/isofs.klf
module -o -f /IDE1/DS/modules/isoldr.klf
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8c004000 -f /IDE1/DS/Games/1.cdi
console --show

please help me if you know how to settle this problem, many thx with you help

i change to another HDD and D2 can play well
but still can run app "isoloder"
21.03.2019 19:00
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #27
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 19:00)HPX писал(а):  but still can run app "isoloder"

you use last dreamshell from github?

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
21.03.2019 19:05
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HPX Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #28
Грустный RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 19:05)megavolt85 писал(а):  
(21.03.2019 19:00)HPX писал(а):  but still can run app "isoloder"

you use last dreamshell from github?

yes, i use below Dreamshell download from github, i can run "isoloder" for use SD Mod before,but now i dis-assemble SD card mod and change to IDE mod , yesterday i can run "setting" but now died at "loading" same as isoloder
i use this Dreamshell: DreamShell_4.0.0_RC4_and_Boot_Loader

i got one new problem , now i created *.DSC more then 100 files , the RC4 died and hold at "Dreamshell" screen, and it will be working after i delete some DSC files, is it the normal status ?

(21.03.2019 18:25)megavolt85 писал(а):  sega rally2 work only with optimised gdi
download GDI optimisator

thank you sir , i used this tool for optimised sega GDI img and got new GDI file and 3 iso files , i will try to run this new gdi img yesterday
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 21.03.2019 в 19:20, отредактировал пользователь HPX.)
21.03.2019 19:17
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HPX Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #29
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
(21.03.2019 19:17)HPX писал(а):  
(21.03.2019 19:05)megavolt85 писал(а):  
(21.03.2019 19:00)HPX писал(а):  but still can run app "isoloder"

you use last dreamshell from github?

yes, i use below Dreamshell download from github, i can run "isoloder" for use SD Mod before,but now i dis-assemble SD card mod and change to IDE mod , yesterday i can run "setting" but now died at "loading" same as isoloder
i use this Dreamshell: DreamShell_4.0.0_RC4_and_Boot_Loader

i got one new problem , now i created *.DSC more then 100 files , the RC4 died and hold at "Dreamshell" screen, and it will be working after i delete some DSC files, is it the normal status ?

(21.03.2019 18:25)megavolt85 писал(а):  sega rally2 work only with optimised gdi
download GDI optimisator

thank you sir , i used this tool for optimised sega GDI img and got new GDI file and 3 iso files , i will try to run this new gdi img yesterday


i download ShaMu1 and ShaMu2 GDI , screen hold at "Executing..." (i also tried optimised that had not settle this problem), i try to change isolder IDE loader "ide.bin" from 0.6.0 to 0.6.6 but screened "loading executable..., Failed!" , attached the picture

do you know how to play ShaMu1 and ShaMu2?

.jpg  IDE0.6.6 failed.jpg (Размер: 104.78 Кб / Загрузок: 9)
22.03.2019 17:09
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 3190
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Сообщение: #30
RE: Change "DS_CORE.BIN" for a game
don't supported HDD or bad soldered HDD mod

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
22.03.2019 17:26
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