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Dreamcast taking ages to start up, no swirl, stuck on reading disc
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mf15 Не на форуме

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Dreamcast taking ages to start up, no swirl, stuck on reading disc
Hey, kinda new here. So, i got a dreamcast from japan and it didn't read discs (took ages to check them, can't remember if the swirl startup worked, i think it did), so i put it aside until i could grab a gdemu.

Few months went by, got a gdemu, realized it was a v0 so i did the resistor array mod (100ohm arrays, labeled 101, changed the 6 on the bottom and the
1 on the top, all labeled 330) and i got: a long boot with no swirling, no signs of life from the gdemu other than an initial led blink, console stuck at trying to read the disc. Double checked the arrays for soldering, tried a few fat32 sd cards setup with gdmenu, nothing wrong there.

So i thought maybe i grabbed the wrong arrays (the ones i've seen used in tutorials are labeled 1000, when i asked for 100ohms they told me the 101 were 100ohms). Since i have no other way to get arrays at the moment i put back the old ones to see if i got the swirling back... nope, same thing, no swirling, stuck at trying to read the disc screen.

So, at this point i'm at a loss, anyone seen this issue? i doubt it was the arrays, so maybe i just have a bad dc motherboard? can't see anything wrong with it, the soldering was good too (checked it with a microscope cam, those aren't too small either). If anyone reads this, thank you!
10.10.2021 14:00
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Dreamcast taking ages to start up, no swirl, stuck on reading disc
solder the connector into which the GDEMU is inserted (CN503)

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
11.10.2021 14:30
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mf15 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dreamcast taking ages to start up, no swirl, stuck on reading disc
(11.10.2021 14:30)megavolt85 писал(а):  solder the connector into which the GDEMU is inserted (CN503)

Oh, so your guess is that the gd connector is wonky? makes sense, i'll give that a try, thanks!
11.10.2021 16:27
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