This problem is due to the lack of the old command sdiso (now it's isoldr) and with some changes.
You need to change the XML file.
Instead of:
PHP код:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="The Game" version="1.0" icon="cover.png">
<module src="../../modules/lua/luaDS.klf" />
<module src="../../modules/lua/luaKOS.klf" />
<script type="text/lua" src="./lua/main.lua" />
<font src="../../fonts/arial.ttf" type="ttf" size="16" name="arial" />
<image src="./images/bg.jpg" name="back" />
<image src="./images/play.png" name="play" />
<image src="./images/exit.png" name="exit" />
<body x="0" y="0" width="640" height="480" background="back" onload="Icon:InitApp()" onunload="Icon:GoToMainApp()" >
<input type="button" onclick="DS.dsystem('sdiso /sd/DS/apps/game/game.iso')" normal="play" highlight="play" pressed="play" disabled="play" x="440" y="280" width="200" height="100" name="playbut" />
<input type="button" onclick="Icon:GoToMainApp()" normal="exit" highlight="exit" pressed="exit" disabled="exit" x="440" y="380" width="200" height="100" name="exitbut" />
Create new XML. You need to clear main.lua, remove all from this file, now you can do without it, but not remove this file fully, it's need for initialize lua thread for this app, because we use it in onclick event.
PHP код:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="The Game" version="1.0" icon="cover.png">
<module src="../../modules/minilzo.klf" />
<module src="../../modules/isofs.klf" />
<module src="../../modules/isoldr.klf" />
<script type="text/lua" src="./lua/main.lua" />
<font src="../../fonts/ttf/arial_lite.ttf" type="ttf" size="16" name="arial" />
<image src="./images/bg.jpg" name="back" />
<image src="./images/play.png" name="play" />
<image src="./images/exit.png" name="exit" />
<body x="0" y="0" width="640" height="480" background="back">
<input type="button"
onclick="os.execute(string.format('isoldr -f %s/apps/game/game.iso', os.getenv('PATH')));"
normal="play" highlight="play" pressed="play" disabled="play"
x="440" y="280" width="200" height="100" name="playbut" />
<input type="button"
onclick="console:app -o -n Main"
normal="exit" highlight="exit" pressed="exit" disabled="exit"
x="440" y="380" width="200" height="100" name="exitbut" />
Please forgive me for the lack of backward compatibility, but this DS version is very different from the all Betas.
But this has its advantages, this application will load faster than before old ones