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DreamShell 4.0.0 RC1 Iso reboots
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Robbie Не на форуме

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DreamShell 4.0.0 RC1 Iso reboots
Hello everybody am new to this site. Wink

Am having a little problem with Dreamshell on my modded Dreamcast. It as got the bios switch so i can set what bios to boot up with. The new bios as got Dreamshell sd loader install onto it.
And i have put Dreamshell system files on the SDcard that i am using what is a micro 18GBs card.

I have got everything all set up with the Dreamcast adapter. What is the USB look a like with out any cabe to it as i see many people say don't use the cable ones as they can make problems.

Anyway when ever i click on a ISO off a game it will boot up saying loading boot.bin and then reboot back into DreamShell. I have had a go with all the setting but still doing it.

I have got the 6 isos from this site theisozone.com on the SDISO downloads. Two ISO files work what are dead tiny in size and are not Sega games. They are called "avp" and "GoAxDeathAddBOR" in file name.

Them two boot up fine but the 4 that i download that don't boot are dreamcast games. ToyCommander, TOYRACER, VRALLY2, Toy Racer. All won't boot and keep rebooting back into Dreamshell when ever i click on the iso.

I don't know what am doing right or worng.
I have got a network kit coming soon for my dreamcast so i can back up my own games.
But for now i won't to test Dreamshell out.

One more thing my Dreamcast is a PAL with the blue logo. And the games i downloaded are PAL games so i don't know why it won't work.

Thnak you for all your help. Big Grin
26.07.2012 04:08
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC1 Iso reboots
I reply in http://www.dc-swat.ru/forum/thread-1856-...l#pid23298

[Изображение: barbers.png]
26.07.2012 13:14
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