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dc-burn-netbsd 1.3
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dc-burn-netbsd 1.3
Let me know if this is off-topic enough to be inappropriate Smile

I've been playing with writing a simple shell script to create bootable NetBSD CD-images, with ramdisk kernels or full root-on-iso9660 filesystem live CDs.

I've just pushed a new version of dc-burn-netbsd which has a number of potentially interesting changes:
- create a Dreamcast live CD image "dc-burn-netbsd -k GENERIC -r base"
- burn the image to CD, or run under the gxemul emulator (-e)

It requires some of Marcus Comstedt's tools, so it is best installed as part of the dctools pkgsrc package (1.3 or later). If you are not using pkgsrc then it just expects scramble and makeip in the path as dc-scramble and dc-makeip.

Note - if you are running NetBSD/dreamcast under gxemul you will probably want gxemul-0.6.0nb3 or later from pkgsrc, which has some fixes for creating the fake CD-Rom TOC or apply the following patch to gxemul-0.6.0
27.07.2012 02:51
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abs Не на форуме

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RE: dc-burn-netbsd 1.3
Running the script under Windows might be quite involved. I've put up an image which should be directly burnable using bootdreams for anyone who wants to have a play.

Currently the usage for this has been "because its there" - while NetBSD/dreamcast can run a whole bunch of standard unix software (see http://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/package...012Q1/All/ ), not all of it makes sense on such a platform.

There is a README with the image (I'll quote it below)


Sample NetBSD/dreamcast live image (Generated by "dc-burn-netbsd -l -n"):

- Dreamcast or gxemul emulator (*)
- If using a real Dreamcast, blank CD-R & Dreamcast keyboard
- Optional: Dreamcast BBA (broadband adaptor) for network access

- Download netbsd-dreamcast-6_BETA2.iso.7z and uncompress to get .iso image
- To burn to CD for booting on Dreamcast:
- On Windows use http://code.google.com/p/bootdreams/downloads
- On NetBSD no need to download this, use http://pkgsrc.se/sysutils/dc-tools
and run 'dc-burn-netbsd -l' directly
- To boot in gxemul (*) run
"gxemul -XEdreamcast -d co23965696:netbsd-dreamcast-6_BETA2.iso"
- Once booted enter "gdrom0" and return three times when prompted
- Login as "root"

This is still a work in progess, in particular future goals for future versions
- Including installed binary packages such as some from
- Switching to a shell with command line editing
- Support for Serial-SD and potentially Serial-Ethernet adaptors
- Better X support (currently insufficient memory to effectively run)

(*) Running under gxemul requires gxemul-0.6.0nb3 or later from pkgsrc, or the
patch-src_devices_dev__dreamcast__gdrom.cc patch applied to gxemul-0.6.0
28.07.2012 03:44
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RE: dc-burn-netbsd 1.3
Good job!

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.07.2012 07:43
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