I spent hours trying to leave everything in order and functional but apparently I do not understand much the structure and the closest thing I got was this:
first of all, Thanks!
I will show an example tomorrow of what I need.
By the way! This is what I have:
PHP код:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="Main" version="0.5.0" icon="../../gui/icons/normal/default_app.png">
<module src="modules/app_main.klf" />
<font src="../../fonts/ttf/arial_lite.ttf" type="ttf" size="14" name="arial" />
<font src="../../fonts/ttf/comic_lite.ttf" type="ttf" size="14" name="comic" />
<surface width="100%" height="480" name="main-bg">
<fill color="#70C9DB" />
<blit align="center" valign="center" surface="images/back.jpg" />
<image src="images/taskbar.png" name="taskbar-bg" />
<image src="images/left.png" name="left" />
<image src="images/left_hover.png" name="left-hover" />
<image src="images/right.png" name="right" />
<image src="images/right_hover.png" name="right-hover" />
<body width="100%" height="100%" onload="export:MainApp_Init()" background="main-bg">
<panel width="100%" height="62" background="taskbar-bg">
<panel width="52%">
<label name="version" text="DreamShell" color="#000000" align="center" valign="top" font="comic" />
<panel width="13%">
<label name="date" text="00.00.0000" color="#000000" align="right" valign="top" font="comic" />
<panel width="9%">
<label name="time" text="00:00" color="#000000" align="right" valign="top" font="comic" />
<panel width="25%">
<panel width="100%" height="418" name="app-list" />
<input type="button" align="left" width="71" onclick="export:MainApp_SlideLeft()" normal="left" highlight="left-hover" pressed="left" disabled="left" />
<panel width="13%">
<input type="button" align="right" width="71" onclick="export:MainApp_SlideRight()" normal="right" highlight="right-hover" pressed="right" disabled="right" />