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Dreamcast va2.1
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Julián Ariel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #1
Сердце Dreamcast va2.1
Hello, good morning from Argentina, I wanted to ask if you could help me with a Dreamcast va2.1, thanks.
I changed some capacitors and the entire tracks on the positive side were lifted, for example the CE805. I need to know if you could help me with the electrical diagram for the 2.1. or if you could tell me where I should put the bridge. There are about 9 capacitors, more or less. Thank you very much, greetings, have a good day!!
06.10.2024 19:04
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Julián Ariel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Dreamcast va2.1
Hello, could it be that the capacitors are in series, that is, CE804 with CE805 and CE 806, etc.?
07.10.2024 02:59
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fafadou Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dreamcast va2.1
Ben sure to replace bu the samedi values.
For there are some packs around the web.
08.10.2024 15:19
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Julián Ariel Не на форуме

Сообщений: 9
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Сообщение: #4
Улыбка RE: Dreamcast va2.1
Hello, yes, I already replaced the problem is that the tracks on the positive side of the capacitor lifted and before the CDs did not turn nor did the motors move, now it is the same but it gives video but it does not give audio if I press the lid closed sensor and it stays in the dreamcast logo and with some strange echoes or hums, I don't know what happened. And I soldered the capacitors again but some of them skipped the positive tracks and I don't know because of what I read on the page where the scan of the plates is, they say in a comment that the va2.1 is the top part of the board where the tracks broke which is ground or gnd but it could be true if the capacitors have polarity
09.10.2024 06:20
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