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I need help plz with bios flashing error status
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somacast Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #21
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
@megavolt85 : thnx again and again

so what about games? settings only once?

i have one game which i screwed up settings and enabled (save as preset) , how to cancel that?

11.12.2016 17:00
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #22
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
save with new settings, it's replace old save

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
11.12.2016 17:48
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 Сказали спасибо: somacast
somacast Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #23
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
I will try , thnx
11.12.2016 19:06
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Gillbert Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #24
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
(10.12.2016 21:38)somacast писал(а):  2- now for the games I am really unhappy, I have the HDD with about 80 games 95% of them doesn't work, they are mixed CDis and GDIs, optimized a few and converted some using cditoiso tool, no cdis worked, and each and everygame needs a different settings !! and as you know settings don't save(select the game , go to settings, change them, then start game, this is what I do) , so is this what I have to do ? it is not practical to change settings everytime !!! if I have to remember each game settings and change it everytime, then this mod was a waste of time for me which makes me so sad really as I was looking forward to it ... so what to do with games plz?

GDI optimized is always the best choice for HDD. On my side, 80% of my games work in GDI OPT format.
However, there are very few games which will only work in CDI format.
Personally, I have just a handful games in ISO format (converted from CDI, but not with ISO Make Pack tool).

But your rate (95% of non working games) is very low... Could you please list some games in GDI format which didn't work for you?
14.12.2016 06:25
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 Сказали спасибо: somacast
somacast Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #25
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
(14.12.2016 06:25)Gillbert писал(а):  
(10.12.2016 21:38)somacast писал(а):  2- now for the games I am really unhappy, I have the HDD with about 80 games 95% of them doesn't work, they are mixed CDis and GDIs, optimized a few and converted some using cditoiso tool, no cdis worked, and each and everygame needs a different settings !! and as you know settings don't save(select the game , go to settings, change them, then start game, this is what I do) , so is this what I have to do ? it is not practical to change settings everytime !!! if I have to remember each game settings and change it everytime, then this mod was a waste of time for me which makes me so sad really as I was looking forward to it ... so what to do with games plz?

GDI optimized is always the best choice for HDD. On my side, 80% of my games work in GDI OPT format.
However, there are very few games which will only work in CDI format.
Personally, I have just a handful games in ISO format (converted from CDI, but not with ISO Make Pack tool).

But your rate (95% of non working games) is very low... Could you please list some games in GDI format which didn't work for you?

hi and sorry for the late reply ....

up to yesterday i had only (re:cv complete) and blue stinger
games which worked eventually yesterday :

sonic 1 gdi optimized after maany tries
sonic 2 gdi optimized

games not working as cdi or converted to iso

giga wings
crazy taxi
soul calibur
hydro thunder
sonic shuffle
ecco the dolphin gives black screen with errors screen maybe bad cdi

and others i cant remember

gdi optimized not working;
soul calibur
many japanese games cant recall the names

gdi optimized worked:
bio hazard; cv complete
alone in the dark (struggles to work, only intro movie)
wwf attitude (no music, glitchs, cuttings)
dino crisis (little bit cutting in movies)
skies of arcadia (starting movie cutting)

so please tell me;

1- is there some list of settings required for each game, bcoz trail and error takes looooong time

2- how to delete or edit name of games short cut in dreamshell?

16.12.2016 21:39
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #26
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
1) see this thread

2) short cut in folder /DS/apps/main/scripts/
image for short cut in folder /DS/apps/main/images/

if you rename short cut then need rename image too

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
16.12.2016 22:07
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 Сказали спасибо: somacast
somacast Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #27
RE: I need help plz with bios flashing error status
thnx again
16.12.2016 23:44
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