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SDISO Compatibility List
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Mr. Og Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 18.05.2011
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Сообщение: #49
RE: SDISO Compatibility List
Some games I tested:

Power Stone (NTSC-U)
Boots? Yes
Playable? Partially
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 4 (sdiso module v0.2.1).
Source: Kalisto release
Notes: Must start with no VMU inserted. Intro hangs if left to play. Can be choppy depending on character selected (probably because of the different music), for example if I choose Ayame there are little to no lags, if I choose Jack it's very choppy.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (NTSC-U)
Boots? Yes
Playable? Yes (Fully)
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 4 (sdiso module v0.2.1).
Source: Kalisto release
Notes: Couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Revolt (NTSC-U)
Boots? Yes
Playable? No
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 4 (sdiso module v0.2.1).
Source: Kalisto release
Notes: Displays weird behaviour - can't start racing, game does not hang but for some reason the gas button does not work, not only for you but for your opponents as well. Practice mode works.

Gauntlet Legends (NTSC-U)
Boots? Yes
Playable? No
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 4 (sdiso module v0.2.1).
Source: Kalisto release
Notes: Hangs upon entering the first stage.

Chu Chu Rocket (NTSC-U)
Boots? No
Playable? No
Tested on: DreamShell 4.0.0 Beta 4 (sdiso module v0.2.1).
Source: Kalisto release
Notes: Couldn't get it to boot. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

I have a few questions:
1. Skies of arcadia is listed as playable - I did get the GD-ROM dump to work but I don't know how would I go about changing the disc when needed? Or maybe I was supposed to copy the files from both GDs to the iso_make\cd dir and create one big ISO?

2. I couldn't find any easy to understand English tutorial for creating ISOs for SDISO. I use the "Updated ISO Make pack" and copy the files to the cd folder then I try either Hack_LBA.bat+Create_katana_ISO.bat or just Create_katana_ISO.bat (I try both to see which one works). So my question is: Apart for a case when the 1st_read.bin file is named something else, is there anything else to try if the game doesn't work?
And for GD dumps, should I do something with the ip.bin file I get from GDI2data? Because SoA worked fine without the ip.bin.

3. I there any way I can mesure the speed of the SD card read/write in DreamShell? And I don't mean something like copying a file from the CD to the SD, I was thinking about an application.

4. just how much speed increase will I get after removing these caps:
18.05.2011 15:08
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