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SDISO Compatibility List
Автор Сообщение
Pemblem Не на форуме

Сообщений: 13
Зарегистрирован: 31.05.2013
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Сообщение: #87
RE: SDISO Compatibility List
Here's a new batch of SDISOs tested in Dreamshell RC2 and packed using ISO Make Pack 2.2 (unless otherwise noted)

These were tested from an SD card via serial, compatibility may (or may not) be different with IDE.

-Skies of Arcadia (disc 1)(North American region)
-Rainbow Cotton (Japanese region)
-Twinkle Star Sprites (Japanese region)
-Dangerous Toys (Japanese region)
-Puyo Puyo~n 4 (packed with alternative SDISO tool) (Japanese region)
-Sonic Adventure (used iso packed for DSbeta3) (North American region) - use memory address 0x8cfe00
-Sonic Adventure 2 (used "GD-ROM ripper" app) (North American region) - use memory address 0x8cfe00
-Basically anything homebrew (tested Halo, DreamMIDI, and Codename Sailor V)

I also noticed that when homebrew (KallistiOS) apps/games crash, Dreamshell normally just reboots the iso rather than doing a full Dreamcast restart. It doesn't always work, but good job!

Cannon Spike (European region) - Black screen
Ikaruga (Japanese region) - Dreamcast reboot
-Geist Force (Region-free) - Black Screen
-Triggerheart Exelica (Japanese region) - Freezes at first loadeing screen
-Kanon (Japanese region) - gives warning message "DCTextLine() failed AllocateResource !" and freezes after pressing start)
-Shenmue (European region) - Black screen

It seems to work better when using the GD-ROM ripper, though I only tested it once. (my GD drive isn't in the best shape)

[Изображение: rom.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 23.05.2014 в 00:51, отредактировал пользователь Pemblem.)
22.05.2014 09:08
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Сообщения в этой теме
SDISO Compatibility List - TuxTheWise - 12.02.2010, 04:38
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 31.08.2010, 11:36
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - igal - 16.09.2010, 23:02
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 18.09.2010, 17:34
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - ms18e - 08.11.2010, 18:13
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - ms18e - 10.11.2010, 18:47
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - ms18e - 13.11.2010, 12:07
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - Duessi - 27.11.2010, 20:26
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 27.11.2010, 21:05
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - Duessi - 28.11.2010, 15:19
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - ands - 15.02.2011, 23:41
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - rouken - 24.02.2011, 18:50
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - drez01 - 28.04.2011, 03:23
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - Mr. Og - 18.05.2011, 15:08
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 21.05.2011, 12:18
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - Mr. Og - 22.05.2011, 08:14
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 22.05.2011, 19:31
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 21.07.2011, 20:30
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 26.08.2011, 22:29
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 28.08.2011, 00:21
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 07.02.2012, 08:17
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 07.02.2012, 21:27
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 23.07.2012, 07:49
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 23.07.2012, 12:27
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 28.09.2012, 19:12
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 05.06.2013, 01:45
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 04.06.2013, 13:24
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 18.09.2013, 08:02
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 02.04.2014, 10:19
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - Pemblem - 22.05.2014 09:08
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 22.05.2014, 09:55
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 08.06.2014, 09:23
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - ands - 08.06.2014, 11:11
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - P@S@f - 18.03.2015, 00:50
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 18.03.2015, 09:57
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 27.04.2015, 09:37
sonic adventure 1 - elpedromolina04 - 24.06.2015, 18:42
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 24.06.2015, 20:44
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 27.06.2015, 16:38
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 29.06.2015, 12:40
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - SWAT - 30.06.2015, 08:34
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 12.09.2017, 02:26
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 12.09.2017, 02:41
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 12.09.2017, 02:50
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 12.09.2017, 03:03
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - aldair - 13.09.2017, 08:04
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - neon - 24.09.2017, 23:20
RE: SDISO Compatibility List - pitito - 19.12.2017, 18:29

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