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Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #21
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
When I get mine in the mail I can try it out for you. Have any links to the game?
05.02.2011 04:42
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #22
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Its a emulator called kega fusion it plays sms genesis gamegear 32x roms and sega cd isos.
05.02.2011 07:07
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #23
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
kega fusion 3.61 whatever best genesis emulator ever any links on google bro thx let me know it works also cant wait read easy explain sd tutorial
05.02.2011 09:18
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #24
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
To my knowledge, Kega Fusion was never ported to Dreamcast, so I don't know where you got that idea from. Afaik, Sega CD and 32X games aren't working on Dreamcast emulators, or I just never found any that worked, does anybody else know if any 32X or Sega CD games work on Dreamcast at all?
I understood that only the SMS and Megadrive and Genesis games worked via emulators. I hope I am wrong though.
06.02.2011 11:46
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #25
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Ant do you think sd card good dc add on, since only 2 dc games work well and couple emus?
09.02.2011 02:50
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #26
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Yes, I think it is a revolutionary breakthrough in Dreamcast hardware capabilities. We are bringing the Dreamcsat from the 20th cenury to the 21st! I could care less about retail iso's, as my bread and butter are emulators and homebrew, which generaly tax the hardware resources much less than retail games do, and then there is the bottleneck that the serial port causes.

I don't know why you are getting so upset that most retail games won't work, that is to be expected. This was intended from the get-go as a device best utilized for homebrews and whatnot.

More than 2 games work great, I know of Head Hunter, Skies of arcadia, and Vigilante 8: Second offence right off the top of my head. Other games are supported too, but it will take us time to go through the large ammount of games the Dreamcast has. My hope, is to one day be able to run Bleemed games from the SD card, just as good as they run from the Bleemed betas on a CD. Many unoffical Bleemed games work near full speed with minimal glitches.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2011 в 08:55, отредактировал пользователь Anthony817.)
09.02.2011 08:53
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ms18e Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #27
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(09.02.2011 02:50)DJ VECTORMAN писал(а):  Ant do you think sd card good dc add on, since only 2 dc games work well and couple emus?

What are you talking about, only TWO games work well? You didn't read the sticked post about compatibility list do you? There are many games work well.

And, this project has potential as SWAT is still working on new features. It's hopefully that better game compatibility and running speed is available on DS SDL and SD cards.

Finally, by DS SDL you can rip your GD image conveniently.
09.02.2011 08:55
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #28
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Heres what I am talking about, pay attention...Actually yes i read the pinned list last week i even posted in that thread. I was being vague with two games work but heres the fact - VERY FEW GAMES WORK PERFECT.

Why would i play a non fully running 100% dc game or a like a 50% working dc game that cant play video scenes? Go Ahead quote which ones work perfect with no sidenotes or audio problems, you might quote 6-8 max out of that whole list, theres 4 more that say yes but the video scenes are messed up or you must change ip.bin file. Which is another thing i hope is in tutorial.

Im happy most emus work though. Ant, it says most homebrew games dont work either. Ha if sd cant play Golden Axe DC, Rythem of Destruction, Kill Bill etc thats sad. The games i listed use Beats Of Rage 1.0028, which dont work it says on list.

Btw Ant, i posted threads on dc emu uk that place is dead and they barely post at all hence why im here.

That DS SDL sounds kool.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2011 в 20:26, отредактировал пользователь DJ VECTORMAN.)
09.02.2011 20:10
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #29
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Dj Vectorman, 'kegafusion' (or whatever the heck it's called!?) hasn't been ported to the Dreamcast (you know this)

Very few games work 100% (you know this)

It doesn't play homebrew - "that's sad" (to quote you)

What 'exactly' do you want us to help you with? I would be glad to help you if you could be more specific? I do not mean this in a bad way but pretty much from the start you seem to be knocking the sd adapter in just about every single one of your posts.

Me? I like it - I see its potential and it plays the games I want to play (luckily!) namely, Tokyo Bus Guide and Skies of Arcadia. I have four dreamcast consoles and the only thing that's ever gone wrong (with one of them) is the laser burning out - Now I can play the 'two' games I like without worrying about the laser burning out.

Fingers crossed other people will come on board and start ripping games (even homebrew) and getting them to work - SWAT is working on a new version of Dreamshell which is fantastic news.

Just to make things very clear - if you don't like the sd adapter as it stands now, that's fine but posting in the ONLY sd adapter forum about how 'incompatible' it is and wondering if an emulator that has never been ported to the dreamcast works isn't exactly a 'great read', or constructive for that matter.

I'm not going to indulge you any further but let me ask you a question - do you think there's anything 'good' about the sd adapter?

More than '2' games run well. It's still early days.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2011 в 01:05, отредактировал пользователь arthur2shedsjackson.)
10.02.2011 00:59
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #30
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Why are you guys getting emotional over me typing facts? I think the sd adapter is a great idea. And its cheap. The potiential is there...theres a emu called GenDC2006 im hoping that will work when i order it...I never said anything bad about it, just facts.

Im just curious if it can plug into any dc and work on back of dc...

However only 8 out of 200 games play perfect ppff, alot of people like to play commercial games if there gd rom screwed...

It cant play homebrews, ppff c mon...

You must change bin or readme bin file names for some of those games to work, ppff...

You need to burn dreamshell boot which people are confused about, ppff...

Info here and on dc emu is very vague so im glad ant said a tutorial being made for dshell rip process, why rename bin, with new dshell links, game links, etc in that thread then.

Info is only on couple forums, on internet i saw almost no sd info so it was like sd card can do it all even read pc info since windows ce in dc, hence my kega question, but final research shows it plays 8 dc games perfect and emulators. Thats it. Im posting this so other online will see the facts, im not knocking it.

Want to help me...find me a neo4ALL geo cartridge dc emu with fatal fury 1, a dreamsnes emu with only euro games, and mame4all with games that play on dc...LINKS SO I CAN D/L AND RIP INSTRUCTIONS.

Is there any dos ports games like alone in the dark pc that runs on dc? If so do they run on SD? This forum needs to get organized and start having links in threads and etc...thx for reading.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2011 в 05:03, отредактировал пользователь DJ VECTORMAN.)
10.02.2011 04:49
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2SeeKU Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #31
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
I just bought two of these adapters too. Can't wait for them to arrive.

In the mean time, l'll be looking into flashing one of my DC's...
10.02.2011 11:15
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #32
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
All I have to say, is that Homebrews are what this is best utilized for. Also, who told you homebrews don't work? There are homebrew developers that are starting to make their games in SDISO format just for booting from Dreamshell and the card reader.

@2SeeKU, glad to hear you ordered 2. I ordered an orange one, but they sent me a message saying the color is purple and a random process or it was not available. It would have been great to get an orange one, as I am American, and ours are orange swirls, but I could care less as it will be in the back of the system anyway.
27.02.2011 01:36
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TeamXlink Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #33
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(25.01.2011 01:47)Anthony817 писал(а):  Ok, I just got my 32GB SDHC card in the mail, and I was so excited to try it out in my PSP first, then I looked at it closely, and noticed it was kind of large, so I compaired it with my PSP SD card, and this is slightly wider. I am screwed on using this on my PSP, as it won't fit. My question to you folks, is if these will fit in the Chinese SD loader, or will not be wide enough to accomidate such a wide card?

I was happy when I got it, but opening it was quite sobering. I guess next time I'll be more carefull and compare the dimensions of the card better.

If I have to, I'll return it and try to find a better price for a more compatible card.

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) does not use SD-Cards. It uses Pro Duo, more specifically the smaller version of it.

(10.02.2011 04:49)DJ VECTORMAN писал(а):  Why are you guys getting emotional over me typing facts? I think the sd adapter is a great idea. And its cheap. The potiential is there...theres a emu called GenDC2006 im hoping that will work when i order it...I never said anything bad about it, just facts.

Im just curious if it can plug into any dc and work on back of dc...

However only 8 out of 200 games play perfect ppff, alot of people like to play commercial games if there gd rom screwed...

It cant play homebrews, ppff c mon...

You must change bin or readme bin file names for some of those games to work, ppff...

You need to burn dreamshell boot which people are confused about, ppff...

Info here and on dc emu is very vague so im glad ant said a tutorial being made for dshell rip process, why rename bin, with new dshell links, game links, etc in that thread then.

Info is only on couple forums, on internet i saw almost no sd info so it was like sd card can do it all even read pc info since windows ce in dc, hence my kega question, but final research shows it plays 8 dc games perfect and emulators. Thats it. Im posting this so other online will see the facts, im not knocking it.

Want to help me...find me a neo4ALL geo cartridge dc emu with fatal fury 1, a dreamsnes emu with only euro games, and mame4all with games that play on dc...LINKS SO I CAN D/L AND RIP INSTRUCTIONS.

Is there any dos ports games like alone in the dark pc that runs on dc? If so do they run on SD? This forum needs to get organized and start having links in threads and etc...thx for reading.

This is not a customer support forum, they aren't making money off of these, I don't think they are the ones that are selling this. All the information is there, you just have to search for it.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 27.02.2011 в 03:54, отредактировал пользователь TeamXlink.)
27.02.2011 03:50
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #34
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
27.02.2011 06:51
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #35
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Thanks for reminding us (again) dj Vectorman.
27.02.2011 19:07
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #36
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(10.02.2011 04:49)DJ VECTORMAN писал(а):  Why are you guys getting emotional over me typing facts?

I think people are getting 'emotional' as you put it (I don't see it that way) because your supposed 'facts' aren't really accurate.

Many of them are clearly assumptions made by a person who has no experience using the SDcard, and doesn't clearly understand it's purpose. People have tried to explain it to you but you won't relent in your inaccurate preconceptions of the device and what it's intended use is.

Цитата:I think the sd adapter is a great idea. And its cheap. The potiential is there...theres a emu called GenDC2006 im hoping that will work when i order it...I never said anything bad about it, just facts.

Actually you have been very negative about it's ability to run commercial games (something it was never intended to do in the first place.) I seem to recall you posting "It only runs 2 commercial games and won't run home-brew". These are certainly -NOT- facts. in this very post I am quoting you are about to mock the cards 'abilities' as you understand (though incorrectly) them in a very condescending way. If that's not being 'negative' then I guess the dictionary is wrong.

Цитата:However only 8 out of 200 games play perfect ppff, alot of people like to play commercial games if there gd rom screwed...
It wasn't intended to run commercial games. That it is able to play any at all is an incredible bonus. Besides, If you want to run a commercial game then simply insert the gd-rom or the cd. Simple as that. I fail to see the problem here.

Цитата:It cant play homebrews, ppff c mon...
Have you tried any personally? I can tell you for a fact that it does run homebrews. and new homebrews are in the works to take further advantage of the card. The code libraries for even accessing the card haven't even been available on the scene for year yet.

I can tell you one thing.. it certainly makes testing new homebrew easier. You don't need a BBA or coders cable, or to waste countless CD-r's

Цитата:You must change bin or readme bin file names for some of those games to work, ppff...
I don't know where you are getting this from. What is "readme bin"? The only thing one has to change is if the binary is not named 1st_read.bin... You act like it is a struggle to change a file name... It stupidly easy to change the name of a file.

Цитата:You need to burn dreamshell boot which people are confused about, ppff...
It's no different than burning any other disc for DC. I don't understand why there would be any confusion. As you can see from this very forum, plenty of people have had no problem accomplishing this simple, well documented task. If you have problems, there are countless how-tos on burning DC games to CD-R. Burning Dreamshell is no different and I fail to see what gave you the impression that it was.

Цитата:Info here and on dc emu is very vague so im glad ant said a tutorial being made for dshell rip process, why rename bin, with new dshell links, game links, etc in that thread then.
I can't comprehend what you are trying to say here.... Sorry. I can tell you that the only reason you have to rename anything is if the game you have ripped from a GD-Rom has a main executable that is called somethign other than 1ST_READ.BIN. I suspect this is only an effect of the extreme beta stage of sdiso (the program used to load iso game images from within dreamshell). It not meant to be feature-full at this point. Just a proof of concept. I would imagine that this renaming won't be necessary in the the future. I could be wrong though. Still it's hardly a drawback to have to simply change the name of a file. It literally takes 2 seconds to do that.

Цитата:Info is only on couple forums, on internet i saw almost no sd info so it was like sd card can do it all even read pc info since windows ce in dc, hence my kega question, but final research shows it plays 8 dc games perfect and emulators. Thats it.
Yeah... it's new, of course there isn't much info on it. I's just emerging right now and is still under development. There is plenty of information right here on this site. It had all the info I needed to not only build my SD adapter, but get dreamshell working without any hitches, even if Google translator does present the information in somewhat 'broken' English.

Цитата:Im posting this so other online will see the facts, im not knocking it.
How can you post the facts when you both clearly don't have them ,and also have claimed you can't find them anywhere? Confused

Цитата:Want to help me...find me a neo4ALL geo cartridge dc emu with fatal fury 1, a dreamsnes emu with only euro games, and mame4all with games that play on dc...LINKS SO I CAN D/L AND RIP INSTRUCTIONS.

All of this is easily findable and obtainable from Google searches. The best place (i've found) to download DC games is Dcisozone.com. There is currently a movement to begin supplying the SDcard community with iso files that have been explicitly created for Dreamshell. All I can't say is be patient. As for your specific requests, I haven't been able to get mame4all to work but I've read that other 'mame' ports do.

I haven't tried dreamsnes because it isn't really great at emulating anything in the first place. I can promise you that Dreamsnes's rom menu will work better even without the list file you could create, due to the SD card having no 'seek' time or read errors due to a dirty laser or scratched disc.

I don't know if there is one with fatal fury floating around yet, but I do know that neo4all does work from the sd card, and there a many single game iso out there at this point. Check the sticky thread h FTP provided there has many neo4all titles that you would simply download to your SD card and play with no effort on your part (which seems to be your desire).

Цитата:Is there any dos ports games like alone in the dark pc that runs on dc? If so do they run on SD?
Several years ago there was an attempt at porting dosbox(a DOS emulator) to the DC. I have it on my SD card right now. It boots and runs exactly as it would if it was loaded from a CD Unfortunately, the dreamcast hardware is a bit underpowered for that particular emulator and it hasn't been developed any further for over half a decade. It does run some games slowly, but I seriously doubt this emulator could handle 'alone in the dark' (BTW the SD card has been invaluable to me to tinker with this as it allows me to modify the config files without having to re-burn a new CD. Simply change the file on the SD card and try a new config).

Then there is scummVM... This is an interpreter for lucasarts games that use the scumm engine. Games like "The Dig", "Fate of Atlantis", "Monkey Island", ect. These all run perfectly for me from the SD card using scummVM.

Цитата:This forum needs to get organized and start having links in threads and etc...thx for reading.
Calm down... The information you need is out there. Most of it is right here on this site. You just have to do a little research on your own, as you always would with newly emerging technologies. I'm sure there will be places for you to have all the information spoon-fed to you in the future, but that isn't the focus of this community right now. Be patient. This SD-card thing is in it's infancy. It's also not a commercial product so this site has no obligation to provide anyone with any information at all. Be happy that you have what you have without having to pay for anything.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.02.2011 в 00:51, отредактировал пользователь Dingo.)
28.02.2011 00:42
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #37
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(27.02.2011 03:50)TeamXlink писал(а):  The PlayStation Portable (PSP) does not use SD-Cards. It uses Pro Duo, more specifically the smaller version of it.

Yeah, SWAT told me about it, I honestly never used the larger cards before, and thought the PSP cards were the same but they are not. Anyway, I got an adapter for my PSP for mini SD cards and my friend gave me an 8gb and 2gb mini SD card and they both fit into the dual slot adapter. Pretty odd to have 10gb, but it was free so no complaining by me. Tongue

I just hope the Dreamcast SD adapter itself can read SDHC cards, as the only people I know of that have them on their Dreamcast's are handmade.
28.02.2011 04:01
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #38
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(28.02.2011 04:01)Anthony817 писал(а):  
(27.02.2011 03:50)TeamXlink писал(а):  The PlayStation Portable (PSP) does not use SD-Cards. It uses Pro Duo, more specifically the smaller version of it.

Yeah, SWAT told me about it, I honestly never used the larger cards before, and thought the PSP cards were the same but they are not. Anyway, I got an adapter for my PSP for mini SD cards and my friend gave me an 8gb and 2gb mini SD card and they both fit into the dual slot adapter. Pretty odd to have 10gb, but it was free so no complaining by me. Tongue

I just hope the Dreamcast SD adapter itself can read SDHC cards, as the only people I know of that have them on their Dreamcast's are handmade.

SDHC works for me, but yeah mine is hand made... I use a 4GB microSD card. I can't think of a good reason why the Chinese adapter you ordered wouldn't also handle SDHC. There isn't much going on in these adapters, they just pass the signal through to the correct pins on the DC serial port. I believe it's more of a software thing to get SDHC functioning. As in FAT16 v. FAT32. FAT16 can't address more than 2GB partitions. Of course I could be wrong because I'm completely new to sd cards. (Edit: Just did a little research to learn it is essentially an addressing difference that is lower level than FAT, but is still software. As we know the software of dreamshell works with SDHC cards of certain sizes, it's logical to assume your adapter will work just as well as one that is home-made. As I guessed, it's not a hardware issue in this case. It's a software one... and we know the software is compatible.)

Speaking of Memorystick Pro-Duo cards... Does anyone know if these could function with Dreamshell if one hooks up the pins correctly? I'm pretty sure you can hook them up in serial mode, but I don't know if it is SPI standard. I only ask because I have a 2 gig laying around that I would like to use as well if it possible.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.02.2011 в 18:42, отредактировал пользователь Dingo.)
28.02.2011 18:23
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #39
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Ok, well thanks for the explanation Dingo. I had hoped as much, but I didn't edjucate myself enough before I bought it.

On a side note, the brand new mouse I just bought on ebay has a really wierd problem, it works in upwards and left and right movement, but when I try to roll it down in Quake 3, Half-Life, Dreamshell et cetera, it becomes unresponcive. I looked inside and it appears the mouse ball is not touching the roller pin when it is being pulled in the down posistion. I took the mouse apart and tried to see if wrapping tape on the roller would make the ball touch it, but tape just slowed it down.

I also started a thread about it at Racketboy, and had a few suggestions, but nothing I can think of will fix it.

Anybody else seen this problem before or know how to fix it? I really hate to send it back to the seller, as I bought it in a bundled packaged deal.
28.02.2011 23:15
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DJ VECTORMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #40
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
Dingo how are my facts wrong, 8 commercial games and some emus work THATS IT now you claim homebrews work YET THIS PINNED THREAD ON THIS SITE SAYS NO, im getting info from here.

You cant understand if my gd-rom broke how sd card could be helpful...really? Obviously if gd broke my dc would NOT run games without sd.

Stop telling me to calm down, im calm.

Thank you for answering dos question respectfully though. However,

This is a prick statement :

"Many of them are clearly assumptions made by a person who has no experience using the SDcard, and doesn't clearly understand it's purpose. People have tried to explain it to you but you won't relent in your inaccurate preconceptions of the device and what it's intended use is."

I know its a sd card ada, people play some commercial games on it ,it can fit in your pocket instead carrying scratching your gd rom games. It runs some emus like nesternes. Theres 4 versions of adapters controller plug, 3 serial back dc adapters. But does the 32gb card work yet? If so what brand card should i get with that adapter?

Im not being negative towards sd at all, i clrealy said i have nothing against it and im interested in it, im just telling it how it is from how the pinned thread was before it was edited. If others online come here i dont want them thinking it can run/fit all best dc gd games, emus, homebrews, etc all on 1 32gb card PERFECTLY WITH NO SOUND ERRORS ETC.

Dont degrade me because theres discjuggler alc120 nero burn questions with dreamshell, im awaiting the newer version, i just hope it has clear instructions.

Another prick statement :
"Actually you have been very negative about it's ability to run commercial games (something it was never intended to do in the first place.) I seem to recall you posting "It only runs 2 commercial games and won't run home-brew". These are certainly -NOT- facts. in this very post I am quoting you are about to mock the cards 'abilities' as you understand (though incorrectly) them in a very condescending way. If that's not being 'negative' then I guess the dictionary is wrong."

Im telling it how it is, from pinned thread on this site, i want to get a sd card, but after reading that thread i see no point right now. Obviously im new to this, so instead of being a prick how about just trying to help like Anthony does respectfully with me.

Ok where is this "1st_read.bin" in cd dc dl game file, im not great with computers so stop mocking me. Also whats best site to dl WORKING gd dc games?

Actually theres like 5 threads where people were confused about how to burn dreamshell correctly.

Thx answering emus questions respectfully as well. But thx for Anthony for giving me links, many others emu had errors when i searched on google so thx ant.

Also Dingo i see nothing wrong with a spoon fed tutorial on all this with links and instructions in future. If you wanna degrade me or insult me or make assumptions im not calm or say info i got info from pinned thread wrong, thats, fine, however im hoping you can answer a couple of question i asked you in this post respectfully. Thx
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 03.03.2011 в 07:05, отредактировал пользователь DJ VECTORMAN.)
03.03.2011 06:48
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