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DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
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aldair Не на форуме

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DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
In my sd card works Dreamshell-beta 4, when I use the 4.0.0 RC 1 is not DreamShell WORKS WHAT'S WRONG?
03.02.2012 08:13
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SWAT На форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
Long wires on adapter? Cut it or remove fully.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
03.02.2012 08:53
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aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #3
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
How do you load DreamShell, tell us spep by step.
03.02.2012 19:34
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JaderFox Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
Here I am not able to load isos in the iso loader I select the SD option and nothing happens, does not show my isos, manenger not open the file, the message Please wait, the SNESALL had the shortcut on the screen and worked in DreamShell previous non also run = /.
Am I doing something wrong?
My SD is the one sold in china.
04.02.2012 18:35
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SWAT На форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
Redownload DreamShell, i fixed bugs with homebrew isos - http://www.dc-swat.ru/blog/dreamshell/28.html

[Изображение: barbers.png]
04.02.2012 23:05
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Сообщение: #6
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
hank Swat, working perfectly iso loader and file manager, so the snesall with the shortcut on the first screen that did not work, most of it by loading the iso iso loader work
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.02.2012 в 01:16, отредактировал пользователь JaderFox.)
07.02.2012 01:14
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SWAT На форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
This problem is due to the lack of the old command sdiso (now it's isoldr) and with some changes.
You need to change the XML file.

Instead of:
PHP код:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="The Game" version="1.0" icon="cover.png">
    <module src="../../modules/lua/luaDS.klf" />
    <module src="../../modules/lua/luaKOS.klf" />
    <script type="text/lua" src="./lua/main.lua" />
    <font src="../../fonts/arial.ttf" type="ttf" size="16" name="arial" />
    <image src="./images/bg.jpg" name="back" />
    <image src="./images/play.png" name="play" />
    <image src="./images/exit.png" name="exit" />
    <body x="0" y="0" width="640" height="480" background="back" onload="Icon:InitApp()" onunload="Icon:GoToMainApp()" >
        <input type="button" onclick="DS.dsystem('sdiso /sd/DS/apps/game/game.iso')" normal="play" highlight="play" pressed="play" disabled="play" x="440" y="280" width="200" height="100" name="playbut" />
        <input type="button" onclick="Icon:GoToMainApp()" normal="exit" highlight="exit" pressed="exit" disabled="exit" x="440" y="380" width="200" height="100" name="exitbut" />

Create new XML. You need to clear main.lua, remove all from this file, now you can do without it, but not remove this file fully, it's need for initialize lua thread for this app, because we use it in onclick event.
PHP код:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="The Game" version="1.0" icon="cover.png">
        <module src="../../modules/minilzo.klf" />
        <module src="../../modules/isofs.klf" /> 
        <module src="../../modules/isoldr.klf" />
        <script type="text/lua" src="./lua/main.lua" />
        <font src="../../fonts/ttf/arial_lite.ttf" type="ttf" size="16" name="arial" />
        <image src="./images/bg.jpg" name="back" />
        <image src="./images/play.png" name="play" />
        <image src="./images/exit.png" name="exit" />
    <body x="0" y="0" width="640" height="480" background="back">
        <input type="button" 
                onclick="os.execute(string.format('isoldr -f %s/apps/game/game.iso', os.getenv('PATH')));" 
                normal="play" highlight="play" pressed="play" disabled="play" 
                x="440" y="280" width="200" height="100" name="playbut" />
        <input type="button" 
                onclick="console:app -o -n Main" 
                normal="exit" highlight="exit" pressed="exit" disabled="exit" 
                x="440" y="380" width="200" height="100" name="exitbut" />

Please forgive me for the lack of backward compatibility, but this DS version is very different from the all Betas.
But this has its advantages, this application will load faster than before old ones Wink

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.02.2012 в 08:08, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
07.02.2012 08:03
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JaderFox Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
how to put games on the covers of the iso loader?
16.02.2012 01:00
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superdefault Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
(16.02.2012 01:00)JaderFox писал(а):  how to put games on the covers of the iso loader?

1. name your 256x256px cover .jpgs exactly as the .iso
yoursupergame.iso --> yoursupergame.jpg
2. put your jpgs into /ds/apps/iso_loader/covers/
16.02.2012 03:05
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JaderFox Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #10
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
Tnks ^^
16.02.2012 05:09
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JnL Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #11
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
i´ve tried out 4.0.0 RC 1 .cdi image, but my screen rests black and white.
can i use the region changer to make the screen colorfull? i think it´s because oft the ntsc and pal regions, or am i wrong?
i use a pal dreamcast and a 10 year old tv...
21.02.2012 14:18
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SWAT На форуме

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Сообщение: #12
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
Your TV doesn't support 60 Hz?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
21.02.2012 17:38
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Сообщение: #13
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
yes it does. when i don´t press "y" (->50 hz) at the beginning the picture isn´t shown correctly (only the half or so), by using 60 hz the picture is ok. nevertheless in both ways it´s only black and white Sad
22.02.2012 13:18
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superdefault Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #14
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
(22.02.2012 13:18)JnL писал(а):  yes it does. when i don´t press "y" (->50 hz) at the beginning the picture isn´t shown correctly (only the half or so), by using 60 hz the picture is ok. nevertheless in both ways it´s only black and white Sad

i have the same problem with ONE of the cables i got.
using the one with the 3 chinch cables gives me the black and white screen.
using the cable with the scart connector i get colours. but the same issue with the displayed image.
50hz --> image is pushed down
60hz--> image is stretched vertically (but works. just annoying that thr image is a bit stretched and too large for my screen.)

i just ordered new cables to get better test results. pal converter, rf unit, new scart cable...and whatnot....
maybe it is time for a brand new..OLD tv....
22.02.2012 14:35
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JnL Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #15
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
that´s sad to hear, didn´t want to buy anything new...
tried to change the region with the region changer, had no results...
anyway, it´s always showing pal and europe, even if i click ntsc and usa, then write, then reboot.
23.02.2012 17:19
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SWAT На форуме

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Сообщение: #16
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
You need simple hardware mod for activate writing to factory settings in flash, see doc in rc app.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
23.02.2012 19:38
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Сообщение: #17
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
ok, didn´t know that.
have tried out dreamshell at two different tv´s at my friends house, a new one and an old one, both time connected via the three single scart cables.
result: two times in colors!
i think it really depends on the connection methode. i use the the thick scart plug on my own tv and there it´s black and white.
26.02.2012 15:13
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filner Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #18
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
I'm having issues with adding my own icons to the Dreamshell desktop. When I click the icon, the background and buttons display as they should and the "Load" button works fine, but the "Exit" button doesn't do anything when I click it. I'm using the command that SWAT posted in this thread, which is: onclick="console:app -o -n Main". Was this a typo?
12.03.2012 23:17
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Сообщение: #19
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
No typo, i dont see this. So this method used in other apps, you can see it. Try to compare buttons.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
13.03.2012 21:12
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Сообщение: #20
RE: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
I found what the problem was: there was a semi-colon after Main. When I removed that, it worked perfectly! Another question: is there a way to make a button load a .bin file instead of an .iso?
14.03.2012 23:59
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