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Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
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Сообщение: #21
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(29.05.2012 09:12)SWAT писал(а):  "System called exit signal:1" - it's normal, BIOS wants to throw us into the menu, but I do not give it to him to do. Previously, it was not, because the image have not IP.BIN. Now all ok. Try to run DOA2 game.

I have tried DOA2 since re maing the ISO but there is no change...still wont boot
29.05.2012 11:11
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #22
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Now I do not know why... I give up Sad

[Изображение: barbers.png]
29.05.2012 14:08
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Сообщение: #23
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(29.05.2012 14:08)SWAT писал(а):  Now I do not know why... I give up Sad

I had a horrible feeling you were going to say that Sad

Well, thank you very much for trying to help...it really is appreciated

Thanks also for software itself...I hope you continue to develop and improve it for a long time to come

29.05.2012 17:27
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atari2atari Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #24
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Just to add some more information for this bug - -

I, too, see the exact same problem, and on more than one modded Dreamcast.

- BIOS modded unit(s) as per mmmonkey's tutorial (http://mmmonkey.co.uk/console/sega/dc-dev-bios.htm)

- Retail ISOs will load and run when booting from Dreamshell RC1 disc AND with SD card with DS folder in adapter

- Retail ISOs will also load and run when booting from Dreamshell RC1 disc and a "blank" SD card with only ISO on it (no DS folder)

- If booted from modded BIOS flashed with "Dreamshell loader with bios" and SD card containing the DS folder (of course), the retail ISOs either: 1) show ISO loading screen and attempt to run 1ST_READ.BIN, but then go to black screen and freeze, OR, 2) show ISO loading screen and attempt to run 1ST_READ.BIN, but then the system reboots and Dreamshell restarts

It looks like some component in the DS folder that is used when booting WITHOUT the disc might be causing the problem?

Maybe a new/different DS folder is required?

I have also tried bootstrapping, load high, multiple ISOs, etc. - - same issue.

I see this on two modded Dreamcasts, using multiple/different SD cards and card readers.

Hope that helps! The software is AMAZING so far, thanks for your work!

29.05.2012 20:21
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Сообщение: #25
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Thanks for posting a2a Smile

I find it strange that more people are not posting about this problem, becuase if we are both experiencing it, surely others must be as well?

I really hope we can find a solution for this.
29.05.2012 20:55
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alex Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #26
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Hm, strange, it work fine for me. http://youtu.be/fXb4JcTV4Ys But i'm use GDI dump to run from modified BIOS.

How to convert non GDDA GDI image to ISO image:
Download and extract ISO_Make_pack_v2.0
Copy track03.bin from GDI image to iso_make folder and run bin2iso.bat
Rename track03.iso to Game_name.iso

Здесь была подпись.
29.05.2012 22:34
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Сообщение: #27
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(29.05.2012 22:34)alex писал(а):  Hm, strange, it work fine for me. http://youtu.be/fXb4JcTV4Ys But i'm use GDI dump to run from modified BIOS.

How to convert non GDDA GDI image to ISO image:
Download and extract ISO_Make_pack_v2.0
Copy track03.bin from GDI image to iso_make folder and run bin2iso.bat
Rename track03.iso to Game_name.iso

Alex, you are on to something here.

I just created an ISO from a GDI of DOA2 and it actually booted from the BIOS....yipee Smile

So I guess thats a start...but what is the cause?

Pretty annoying because this must mean that all these ISO's that have been uploaded with music removed for faster loading etc are useless for bios booting unless they have been done a certain way?
29.05.2012 23:55
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #28
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Maybe hacked binary don't boot in this case, and I used only GDI dumps in this method.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 30.05.2012 в 14:33, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
30.05.2012 14:31
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Сообщение: #29
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(30.05.2012 14:31)SWAT писал(а):  Maybe hacked binary don't boot in this case, and I used only GDI dumps in this method.

Could be, I really don't know

It does seem that far fewer games are working with the bios boot method at the moment. I have tried a few others since my last post using GDI's and only one other worked which was "ring". I tried a few others, including "Bomberman Online" but none of them worked.

I am also having some problems with homebrew. A good example of this is the Atari 7800 Emulator, which boots and runs roms perfectly when booting from the CD but fails to load the roms when booting from the bios, although the program itself does load.

Seems there are a lot of bugs still to be worked out when booting from the bios...but I guess thats to be expected.

For the time being though I think it's fair to say that the bios booting method is of more limited use than using the CD
30.05.2012 20:09
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #30
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Yes it is, but this problem is not the BIOS. Some games do not work with high memory loader, they use this memory area. Homebrew does not necessarily run with a bootstrap 1 and high memory loader.
I need to think where to hide the loader in the memory so that the games don't touch it Smile

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 31.05.2012 в 06:13, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
31.05.2012 06:10
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Сообщение: #31
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(31.05.2012 06:10)SWAT писал(а):  Yes it is, but this problem is not the BIOS. Some games do not work with high memory loader, they use this memory area. Homebrew does not necessarily run with a bootstrap 1 and high memory loader.
I need to think where to hide the loader in the memory so that the games don't touch it Smile

Well, goodluck with finding a solution....thanks for your continued efforts Smile

On a side note, what is the best way to make homebrew ISO's?

I did have a pack that specifically had a hombrew folder but can't seem to find that now and I am not having much luck with the other one for homebrew?
31.05.2012 13:20
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #32
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(31.05.2012 13:20)segadreamcaster писал(а):  I did have a pack that specifically had a hombrew folder but can't seem to find that now and I am not having much luck with the other one for homebrew?

Please reformulate this phrase, I do not understand.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
31.05.2012 14:49
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Сообщение: #33
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(31.05.2012 14:49)SWAT писал(а):  
(31.05.2012 13:20)segadreamcaster писал(а):  I did have a pack that specifically had a hombrew folder but can't seem to find that now and I am not having much luck with the other one for homebrew?

Please reformulate this phrase, I do not understand.

Sorry, I was just saying that I did download a program that had a specific "Homebrew" folder to make SDISO's but I lost the program and now can't find it.

So I was wondering, what is the best method of creating homebrew SDISO's? I don't seem to be getting any working results using "ISO Make pack v2.0" for hombrew?
31.05.2012 22:36
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #34
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
ISO Make pack v2 will do the trick Smile
I used only this pack and experienced no problems.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
01.06.2012 07:15
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Сообщение: #35
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(01.06.2012 07:15)SWAT писал(а):  ISO Make pack v2 will do the trick Smile
I used only this pack and experienced no problems.

Ok, will have to take another look.

Thanks again
01.06.2012 23:26
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #36
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Hello all, Am having the very same problem what theres two people are having.
My Dreamcast is modded with the bios mod and i have got Dreamshell sdloader installed to the bios.

When ever i go and click on a ISO that i downloaded from theisozone.com. It will load up to loading boot.bin and then reset back to the Dreamshell menu.

Only two tiny games work what are not full dreamcast games.

Any ideas?

PAL dreamcast, 18GB Micro SD, PAL iso games.

Thank you Smile
26.07.2012 03:34
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jeff-hl Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #37
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Hello I am having the same problem ... someone has already found the solution? thank you and excuse my english I'm using google translator!
26.07.2012 04:56
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #38
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Images from theisozone.com not have normal IP.BIN, this images have only text info from IP.BIN. So you can't run these images through a bootstrap, since it is not exists.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
26.07.2012 13:12
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #39
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Ok thank you for the info.
All i can do is hard back until i get my broadband adapter what i hope will be very soon.

Keep up with the good work you are doing. It's very cool and the dreamcast is still aive with this program :-)
26.07.2012 13:31
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #40
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Sorry to be a pain swat but i have got a little problem. I have gone and installed DreamShell 4.0 Beta 4 onto my modded bios.

When trying to get the games to work. But when i looked online about the problem i put the DreamShell 4.0 RC 1 back onto the SD card like how i had it at the start.

The problem am having now is.
DreamShell 4.0 Beta 4 keep crashing at the start up screen. So i made a DreamShell 4.0 RC 1 disk with DiscJuggle and it boots up lovely from the sega bios.

How do i install DreamShell 4.0 RC 1 back onto my modded bios?

I had a go from the sega bios but it will not do it.
And i can not boot up my modded bios.

Am lost sorry as some guy did this all for me when he put the modded bios in.

THnak you Smile


Update i have put the DreamShell 4.0 Beta 4 files back onto the sd card and now DreamShell 4.0 Beta 4 boots up. But i can not load the DreamShell 4.0 RC 1 cd from it.

Any ideas?

Thank you


Update i have done it and got it back. Feel like a right jackass now but did not know what will happen when you push the switch down when the dreamcast is booted up. Anyway happy happy and thank you all :-)
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.07.2012 в 14:59, отредактировал пользователь Robbie.)
26.07.2012 13:43
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