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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Сообщение: #521
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(08.02.2017 20:27)dragoncity писал(а):  But how can I remove the shorcut directly in Dreamshell?

1) open app File Manager
2) open /ide/DS/apps/main/scripts
3) remove shorcut_name.dsc

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
09.02.2017 14:08
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Сообщение: #522
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok Thank you.

But I have an error "DS_ERROR : Error unlinking...."

No possible for me Undecided

And I know it's possible to rewrite the shorcut,can you add an option to remove directly in iso_loader? Smile

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 17:53, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
09.02.2017 17:52
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Сообщение: #523
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
No, shorcut can have another name

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
09.02.2017 18:42
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Сообщение: #524
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(ok)Evil Twin (eu) pal dc, ide 2.5 hdd, 4rc3, no dma, 0x8c0000e4, gdi opti. (!! dont skip intro, or it will hang up, that was every time for me) (i looks that is running as good as from cd, but it's not smooth unfortunately(the same in DS and in CD), that problem was described in many reviews of it's time)
09.02.2017 20:51
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Сообщение: #525
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok so with filemanager why is not possible to remove like you say,I have always an error.

Yes I know in IDE works,and with me perfectly,no lag etc...
Have you a dreamcast pal?
Because I just use GDI and 00100 and it's perfect. And I use ONLY Rc4,why you use RC3..?
But with SD it's horrible lol
The problem it's in SATA or SSD,after intro sometimes boot...or sometimes blackscreen Undecided

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 21:35, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
09.02.2017 21:29
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Сообщение: #526
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
And why your DS what you upload last time works,and the "build" in the last version (Dreamshell-master) doesn't work with many games..?

Can you explain?

Edit : For remove shorcut I know why it doesn't work.

If the name it's "eviltwin.dsc" NO PROBLEM


If the name it's "SKIES OF ARCADIA DISC1.dsc" PROBLEM

So when there is ESCAPE..doesn't work to delete.

Can you fix that ? Blush

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 23:06, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
09.02.2017 22:54
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Сообщение: #527
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
>>If you can test,test Evil Twin.
you asked, i gave you answer from my old test. It's really time consuming to take out hdd, put games on it. So i don't do it. Unless i prepare batch of 20 games, and want something new.

The thing about lag in Evil Twin. I said that there is the same lag as in cd. Many reviews where bashing this game for lags.
If you don't notice that lag, then i don't know.

I repeat, it's not DS lag, the game is running not so good on DC.

The same lag is present in MDK2, you don't notice it. But i do. But in this case, from CD MDK2 is perfectly smooth.
I don't really think that it's running differently from hdd or cf. Because there are no background loading in MDK2. I think that game has video jaggies for you too, and you don't notice it, or you didn't play this game from cd.

>>Have you a dreamcast pal?
(ok)Evil Twin (eu) *pal dc*....
did you even read it?

>>And why your DS what you upload last time works,and the "build" in the last version (Dreamshell-master) doesn't work with many games..?

common, this is dev version, it's supposed to work not so good Smile.

We are really lucky to get that version. Because for example shenmue2 is running fantastically with it.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 23:19, отредактировал пользователь shwoaps.)
09.02.2017 23:13
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Сообщение: #528
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
you asked, i gave you answer from my old test. It's really time consuming to take out hdd, put games on it. So i don't do it. Unless i prepare batch of 20 games, and want something new.
Ok I understand,my friend has the same problem,he has the hard disk inside and ide.
It's why I prefer SATA or CF,for remove very quickly Smile

The same lag is present in MDK2, you don't notice it.

Yes I never play the GDROM,but this game don't lag for me,just the music in CDDA sometimes bug.

>>Have you a dreamcast pal?
(ok)Evil Twin (eu) *pal dc*....
did you even read it?

Ok sorry ^^ my fault Big Grin

common, this is dev version, it's supposed to work not so good Smile.

We are really lucky to get that version. Because for example shenmue2 is running fantastically with it.

Normal : http://www.dc-swat.ru/download/dc/ds/4.0..._Loader.7z

Build : https://codeload.github.com/DC-SWAT/Drea...zip/master

Shenmue 2 works with dreamshell RC4 "normal",but the last build many games doesn't work.

So for update dreamshell RC4 "normal" I update manually.

Recently "megavolt" upload his version,and it's like my version.

So why the build it's not like the version of megavolt,it's my question Smile

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 23:37, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
09.02.2017 23:35
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Сообщение: #529
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
>>Shenmue 2 works with dreamshell RC4 "normal",but the last build many games doesn't work.

in your list i think it's written sync2 no dma. You told that you don't notice difference with DMA or without on CF or SSD. Well, on ide hdd difference is *huge*. And in 4rc4 from download page, for me it workend only noDMA sync2, loading times were really bad. But with megavolt 4rc4 git, its working dma true or syn16 and loading is instantaneous on IDE HDD.

I see in your list that many games have lagging video, well no video is lagging for me. So maybe DMA does have difference.
09.02.2017 23:42
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Сообщение: #530
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Shenmue 2 works :
GDI + 0x8cfe8000 + SYNC 2
OPT + 0x8cfe8000 only Smile

The first time I tested shenmue 2,I saw use SYNC 2 and 0x8cfe8000...
But recently I tested in OPT and just with 0x8cfe8000 works.

Yes no difference,you don't believe me?

I repeat,maybe it's your hard disk in IDE,because for me no change.
After I play just 10 minutes,because I already finished this beautiful game !

So maybe it's better with DMA,ok put in your list because for me no change when I tested Smile
I repeat,I tested all memories..with..or without dma..so if I have seen a difference,I wrote it !


Now this interest me :
I see in your list that many games have lagging video, well no video is lagging for me.

Can you tell me what is the game lag in my list and for you don't lag.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
09.02.2017 23:50
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Сообщение: #531
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I don't mean game, i mean cinematic, as you written in your notes "Lag kinematic"
I newer have lag in cinematic on HDD, only in wince games, worms party, world, tomb raider, cinematic lags, but all other -don't.
And i always use optimized.

Most of that is for 4rc3, but:
Dino Crisis (pal, vga patch tested on 4rc4megavolt, and there a not cinematic lag.
F355 Challenge - Passione Rossa Lag kinematic - USA for me no lag, 4rc4megavolt.
>>Virtua Tennis 2 Lag
Virtua Tennis 2 usa, on 4rc3 perfect,

keep in mind, that usa and pal can be different. for example gta2 usa was unplayable because of lag, but pal version was ok.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 01:12, отредактировал пользователь shwoaps.)
10.02.2017 01:06
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Сообщение: #532
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
IN my list there is 2 columns.

And if I said Gdi lag, and OPT OK so don't lag in opt.

If you remember a game I said in OPT lag and for you don't lag tell me.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 01:20, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
10.02.2017 01:20
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Сообщение: #533
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok guys, almost awesome compatibility list from dragoncity page.
Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List (oliXon) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...rk/pubhtml

why almost amazing? It's not written what DS version, what medium(ide,sata,cf,ssd)
10.02.2017 01:20
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Сообщение: #534
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
What??? What you say??

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
10.02.2017 01:22
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Сообщение: #535
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
>>And if I said Gdi lag, and OPT OK so don't lag in gdi.

Ok, i never test gdi so didn't notice that.
So i guess it's the same. For optimized gdi you have cinematic lags only in wince games, the same for me.

Ok guys, almost awesome compatibility list from dragoncity page.
Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List (oliXon) ...

>>What??? What you say??

I said, that i found good list in your page. but it have the usual flaw, there is not written what DS version was used, did he tested on IDE hdd or SATA or SSD or CF.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 01:31, отредактировал пользователь shwoaps.)
10.02.2017 01:28
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Сообщение: #536
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok I am french,so sometimes I don't understand all you say ^^
cinematic or kinematic it's the same for you? because the translation say kinematic and in french it's cinématique ^^

For me games lag in all format (cdi gdi opt etc..) :

1 - Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare (kinematic)
2 - Frogger 2 - Swampys Revenge (kinematic) >> But doesn't work for me in OPT Undecided
3 - Giga Wing 2 (kinematic) >> But doesn't work for me in OPT Undecided
4 - Resident Evil 2 (BioHazard) (kinematic)
5 - Tomb Raider - Chronicles (kinematic)
6 - Tomb Raider - La Revelation Finale (kinematic)
7 - Worms Armageddon (kinematic)
8 - Worms World Party (kinematic)

But others no problem,so 8 games lag during kinematic for me.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 02:13, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
10.02.2017 02:12
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #537
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
all WinCE with kinematic, in current relese it's normal

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 02:15, отредактировал пользователь megavolt85.)
10.02.2017 02:14
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Сообщение: #538
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok WinCE games!!

Have you seen last post for you?

And why your DS what you upload last time works,and the "build" in the last version (Dreamshell-master) doesn't work with many games..?

Can you explain?

For remove shorcut I know why it doesn't work.

If the name it's "eviltwin.dsc" NO PROBLEM


If the name it's "SKIES OF ARCADIA DISC1.dsc" PROBLEM

So when there is ESCAPE..doesn't work to delete.

Can you fix that ? Blush

Just this games are not WinCE and lag during kinematic ^^

1 - Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare (kinematic)
2 - Frogger 2 - Swampys Revenge (kinematic) >> But doesn't work for me in OPT Undecided
3 - Giga Wing 2 (kinematic) >> But doesn't work for me in OPT Undecided


> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.02.2017 в 02:20, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
10.02.2017 02:16
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #539
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(10.02.2017 02:16)dragoncity писал(а):  And why your DS what you upload last time works,and the "build" in the last version (Dreamshell-master) doesn't work with many games..?

loaders on github with bug

(10.02.2017 02:16)dragoncity писал(а):  Can you explain?

For remove shorcut I know why it doesn't work.

If the name it's "eviltwin.dsc" NO PROBLEM


If the name it's "SKIES OF ARCADIA DISC1.dsc" PROBLEM

So when there is ESCAPE..doesn't work to delete.

Can you fix that ? Blush

console don't work with space

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
10.02.2017 02:21
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Сообщение: #540
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok and if you put "" for the name or '' doesn't work? ^^

Ok if not I need to rename all *.gdi

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
10.02.2017 02:23
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