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bleemcast via Dreamshell?
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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bleemcast via Dreamshell?
Hi SWAT and community!
I've noticed that there are many selfboot (bleemed) psx games floating around. Any chance of running these from dreamshell w/o gdrom?
24.07.2016 17:14
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SILENT_Pavel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
I guess technically it can be possible to implement (maybe require a lot of hard work), but seems like nobody interested in development of this dedicated function.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 24.07.2016 в 20:37, отредактировал пользователь SILENT_Pavel.)
24.07.2016 18:39
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
That's too bad, would love to boot up some tekken 3 with out gdrom attached. One can only hope bleem will get some love in the future.
24.07.2016 22:16
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boxcutter Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
there are probably better emulators out now, if one is converted / compiled on the DC you should just need a place to put your psx iso's
24.07.2016 23:24
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
bleemcast have many protections

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 25.07.2016 в 00:55, отредактировал пользователь megavolt85.)
25.07.2016 00:54
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
I did notice a video from YouTube where someone loaded the bleemcast boot disc via Dreamshell and then started Colin McRae http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cV1FE6kGn1c

I guess he uses the gdrom for the actual game?
Would be awesome if one could "swap" discs inside dreamshell somehow.
28.07.2016 23:50
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
it's not commercial bleemcast, it has a bad compatibility and there is no possibility of preservation

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
29.07.2016 05:08
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
shwoaps Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
Well, as for beta bleem compatibility, there is quite a lot of games that run good enough, "thunder force 5 usa" runs good, and plays even better. Of course there will be many glitches, but i really enjoy thunder force on bleem.
Klonoa is really fun on bleem.
In swat download page, find bleem, mount nrg file, there is good compatibility list (7000 lines txt)

As for how that game was launched, bleem was launched from DS (there is ds_icon version) and then cd was inserted to gd-rom. No other way. And because gd-emu does not support bleem, i guess bleem will never be fully supported on DS.
09.02.2017 21:00
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
Japanese Cake elimina todas las protecciones de Bleemcast, el cual ya fue publicado para jugar Playstation en GDEMU, ¿se puede hacerlo para Dreamshell ?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 25.06.2020 в 09:21, отредактировал пользователь Ro Magnus Larsson.)
25.06.2020 09:04
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Сообщение: #10
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
Running BleemShell from Dreamshell would be a very cool feature.
24.11.2020 22:36
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fafadou Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #11
RE: bleemcast via Dreamshell?
If we have only the beta. It may be cool but not the priority.
25.11.2020 01:12
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