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Dreamcast fuse on D604
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FACE666 Не на форуме

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Dreamcast fuse on D604
can anyone please help me?i need to know what type of fuse and here to get it.the fuse is on D604 position on the main board(near the controllers board) and have a N9 writing.tksSmile
31.08.2016 23:37
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Gillbert Не на форуме

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RE: Dreamcast fuse on D604
(31.08.2016 23:37)FACE666 писал(а):  can anyone please help me?i need to know what type of fuse and here to get it.the fuse is on D604 position on the main board(near the controllers board) and have a N9 writing.tksSmile

Are you referring to D604 part? It's not a fuse, it's a diode (a double diode to be more precise).
On the DC board, fuses are identified as "FL".
01.09.2016 08:20
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FACE666 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dreamcast fuse on D604
(01.09.2016 08:20)Gillbert писал(а):  
(31.08.2016 23:37)FACE666 писал(а):  can anyone please help me?i need to know what type of fuse and here to get it.the fuse is on D604 position on the main board(near the controllers board) and have a N9 writing.tksSmile

Are you referring to D604 part? It's not a fuse, it's a diode (a double diode to be more precise).
On the DC board, fuses are identified as "FL".
that it.tks.can you please tell me if its possible to switch and for what kind of diode?because my board dont give image or sound and a make a jumper and the console works,now i need to replace the D604.
01.09.2016 11:16
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Gillbert Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Dreamcast fuse on D604
(01.09.2016 11:16)FACE666 писал(а):  that it.tks.can you please tell me if its possible to switch and for what kind of diode?because my board dont give image or sound and a make a jumper and the console works,now i need to replace the D604.

I have a spare DC mobo here and took some measures on D604 with a multimeter.

I found that is a double Schottky diode, here's the datasheet of it:

I also found a place where you can buy it:

Anyway, this diode is part of the FAN tachometer circuit, it's possible to bypass it by using a jumper like you did, but of course the DC will lose its thermal protection, so it's better do the right thing.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 06.09.2016 в 23:34, отредактировал пользователь Gillbert.)
04.09.2016 22:28
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 Сказали спасибо: FACE666
FACE666 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 6
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Сообщение: #5
RE: Dreamcast fuse on D604
(04.09.2016 22:28)Gillbert писал(а):  
(01.09.2016 11:16)FACE666 писал(а):  that it.tks.can you please tell me if its possible to switch and for what kind of diode?because my board dont give image or sound and a make a jumper and the console works,now i need to replace the D604.

I have a spare DC mobo here and took some measures on D604 with a multimeter.

I found that is a double Schottky diode, here's the datasheet of it:

I also found a place where you can buy it:

Anyway, this diode is part of the FAN tachometer circuit, it's possible to bypass it by using a jumper like you did, but of course the DC will lose its thermal protection, so it's better to the right thing.

TKS A LOT!yes i know that is for the fan.i already bypass it to get sound and image,but i like to put a new diode so i can have the protection.
05.09.2016 17:12
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