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ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
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Сообщение: #281
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(15.11.2020 18:51)fafadou писал(а):  The last update for gdemu only do, is to can switch between true gdrom speed, and "fast" gdemu speed (for me, dreamshell is faster during loadings). It avoids resident evil code veronica tiger issue, and skies of arcadia intro crash freeze.

The DreamShell ISO Loader will be even faster in loadings soon Smile IDE of course.
And I will think about add support of true GD-ROM speed too, but not in the nearest versions.

(15.11.2020 23:20)megavolt85 писал(а):  
(15.11.2020 08:52)SWAT писал(а):  This is the first time I hear about this Smile Apparently this anti-cheat system works.

я смотрел изменения в Sylverant PSO Patcher, у него была та же проблема, единственное изменение в том, что патчер сохраняет FPSCR и ещё пару регистров и перед запуском бинарика игры все эти регистры восстанавливаются
именно поэтому я настаиваю на том, что перед запуском бинарика всё железо должно быть проинициализировано так же как это сделал бы БИОС

Согласен, говорят даже по разному один и тот же загрузчик себя ведет в DreamShell и RetroDream, поэтому состояние нужно сделать конечно идентичным BIOS на момент запуска игры.
Нужно будет посмотреть что он правил.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.11.2020 в 08:08, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
16.11.2020 07:58
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Сообщение: #282
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(16.11.2020 07:58)SWAT писал(а):  The DreamShell ISO Loader will be even faster in loadings soon Smile IDE of course.
And I will think about add support of true GD-ROM speed too, but not in the nearest versions.

The wall of misunderstanding seems to be broken, congratulations :-)
16.11.2020 19:17
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Сообщение: #283
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
If you guys can fix the PSO bugs, that would be amazing. It's probably my #1 issue with DreamShell at the moment. It's not huge but it kind of sucks not being able to help teammates. lol

A few updates on my testing with 0.6.10:

The CDDA music now works with Flag to Flag, PenPen TriIcelon, South Park Rally, TrickStyle but only when booted with RetroDream.

I was also able to get into a game with AeroWings 2 on RetroDream but unfortunately it only works briefly before freezing.

Also just an interesting thing I noticed: Airforce Delta, Bangai-O, and King of Fighters '99 all seem to have the exact same issue with CDDA. The sound is like an explosion of distortion. lol They all have another thing in common as well: none of them support VGA. Might be a clue to finding the issue.

Dreamcast Live | YouTube Channel | DreamShell IDE Compatibility List
16.11.2020 21:11
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Сообщение: #284
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Confirmo que:
Dolphin blue
Faster than speed
King of fighters NeoWave
King of fighters XI
Máximum speed
Metal slug 6
NeoGeo battle coliseum
Samurai spirits VI

Corren perfecto desde SD Card
17.11.2020 07:05
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Сообщение: #285
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Which loader did you use please ?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.11.2020 в 12:07, отредактировал пользователь fafadou.)
17.11.2020 10:30
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #286
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(16.11.2020 21:11)pcwzrd13 писал(а):  The CDDA music now works with Flag to Flag, PenPen TriIcelon, South Park Rally, TrickStyle but only when booted with RetroDream.

Hmm. There should be no connection between CDDA support and where loaders was booted from... Maybe another loader was used? dt1 for example.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
17.11.2020 11:34
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #287
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
ISO Loader firmware 0.6.11 Beta.
Now IRQ handling need for testing. It's should works for most KATANA games and now homebrew supported too.
This means that the loadings with DMA (expecially true async) will be as fast as possible, and CDDA emulation has become possible for homebrew games. It also opens the door for cheats and more, but that's all in future versions.
For now just need test boot compatibility and test true async mode. I known, some games like Oooga Booga and Floigan Bros Episode 1 uses different IRQ code, so I need research it. Also you can try CDDA for homebrew, but I have no luck yet. WinCE still broken, sorry.

Builds description:
*dev*.bin - Full loader with CDDA and IRQ
*dev*_se.bin - Light loader without CDDA and IRQ
*dev*_alt.bin - Full loader with CDDA and IRQ but with hardcoded dynamic CDDA buffer and TMU1.

See for loadings:

.7z  isoldr_v0.6.11_beta.7z (Размер: 45.14 Кб / Загрузок: 481)

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.11.2020 в 15:12, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
17.11.2020 15:02
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 Сказали спасибо: Ivan Guber , dragoncity , fafadou , luizroz , LEUMAS , Batoko , chth96
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Сообщение: #288
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Great Swat !

Atomiswave game use "dma_read_stream function" like Visual Concept Games.

They work with your loader 0.6.x.

BUT VC Games doesn't work in SSD (only IDE),can you fix that ?

Because they should work like Atomiswave games.

For use all these games (VC) in SATA (and SSD) :
Floigan Bros. - Episode 1
NCAA College Football 2K2 - Road to the Rose Bowl
Ooga Booga
Toe Jam And Earl 3

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.11.2020 в 17:18, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
17.11.2020 16:32
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Сообщение: #289
Видео RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta

- My Dreamcast Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/KmusDCRetroArc...irmation=1
17.11.2020 16:47
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Сообщение: #290
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(17.11.2020 10:30)fafadou писал(а):  Which loader did you use please ?


Dreamshell 4 RC5, loader 0.6.6
17.11.2020 17:51
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Сообщение: #291
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(17.11.2020 11:34)SWAT писал(а):  
(16.11.2020 21:11)pcwzrd13 писал(а):  The CDDA music now works with Flag to Flag, PenPen TriIcelon, South Park Rally, TrickStyle but only when booted with RetroDream.

Hmm. There should be no connection between CDDA support and where loaders was booted from... Maybe another loader was used? dt1 for example.

Nope, I used the exact same loader and settings in both. Both freeze during bootup if CDDA is enabled with DreamShell.

Thanks for the new loader! I'll give it a shot later. Smile

Dreamcast Live | YouTube Channel | DreamShell IDE Compatibility List
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.11.2020 в 18:00, отредактировал пользователь pcwzrd13.)
17.11.2020 17:59
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fafadou Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #292
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Just some quick questions :

Builds description:
*dev*.bin - Full loader with CDDA and IRQ
*dev*_se.bin - Light loader without CDDA and IRQ
*dev*_alt.bin - Full loader with CDDA and IRQ but with hardcoded dynamic CDDA buffer and TMU1
miss ide.bin describe please ?
[edit] I'm sorry ide.bin is dev.bin

What's IRQ ?

I'm just seeing your vidéos, and the loadings are terribly fast, the motherboard glutony the datas !
I'll focus my firsts tests about, CDDA games and homebrew that almost run with CDDA with previous loaders.

Fantastic !
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 18.11.2020 в 01:12, отредактировал пользователь fafadou.)
17.11.2020 18:06
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Сообщение: #293
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Just tested 0.6.11 with Soldier of Fortune. Didn't see any difference in load times with that game. They were identical to the previous 0.6 loaders and 0.7. Not sure if IRQ support only helps the load times with certain games.

Dreamcast Live | YouTube Channel | DreamShell IDE Compatibility List
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 18.11.2020 в 02:29, отредактировал пользователь pcwzrd13.)
18.11.2020 02:29
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Сообщение: #294
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
I tested some games with 0.6.11 but no music with CDDA.

With precedent loader I have music.

I tested VC Games doesn't work with SSD.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
18.11.2020 02:31
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Сообщение: #295
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
I noticed that 0.6.11 has CDDA working when DMA works. If DMA isn't enabled then no CDDA. Give that a try.
18.11.2020 03:06
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Сообщение: #296
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
Zychion is correct. CDDA only seems to work with DMA enabled. Tested with Unreal Tournament.

Also, World Series Baseball 2K2 "almost" works with 0.6.11. It goes into a game but freezes with True DMA enabled. That's as far as I've ever gotten with a 0.6 loader though.

Dreamcast Live | YouTube Channel | DreamShell IDE Compatibility List
18.11.2020 03:47
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Сообщение: #297
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
@pcwzrd13 Did you notice that the music played in Unreal Tournament fine but you lost all the sound effects?
18.11.2020 03:58
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Сообщение: #298
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(18.11.2020 03:58)Zychion писал(а):  @pcwzrd13 Did you notice that the music played in Unreal Tournament fine but you lost all the sound effects?

Yeah, DragonCity mentioned that in an earlier post. I'm guessing the CDDA is using the same memory address as the sound effects and conflicting.

Dreamcast Live | YouTube Channel | DreamShell IDE Compatibility List
18.11.2020 04:05
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #299
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
(18.11.2020 02:29)pcwzrd13 писал(а):  Just tested 0.6.11 with Soldier of Fortune. Didn't see any difference in load times with that game. They were identical to the previous 0.6 loaders and 0.7. Not sure if IRQ support only helps the load times with certain games.

Soldier of Fortune loading in PIO mode much of data. This is the game specific behavior. Of course PIO can't be faster than already have.

(17.11.2020 18:06)fafadou писал(а):  What's IRQ ?

I use it for improving fragmented data transfer thought DMA. Also for handling CDDA emulation in WinCE and Homebrew.

(18.11.2020 03:06)Zychion писал(а):  I noticed that 0.6.11 has CDDA working when DMA works. If DMA isn't enabled then no CDDA. Give that a try.

Look like a bug, thanks for report.

(18.11.2020 03:47)pcwzrd13 писал(а):  Zychion is correct. CDDA only seems to work with DMA enabled. Tested with Unreal Tournament.

Also, World Series Baseball 2K2 "almost" works with 0.6.11. It goes into a game but freezes with True DMA enabled. That's as far as I've ever gotten with a 0.6 loader though.

If true async DMA doesn't works, try emu async with DMA.
Almost everyone should work with DMA, only some still need PIO. But not all work well with true async yet.
Emu async with DMA faster than in previous loaders too.
BTW. Unreal Tournament uses sector-by-sector readings, it can't be faster with any optimizations Smile

(18.11.2020 04:05)pcwzrd13 писал(а):  
(18.11.2020 03:58)Zychion писал(а):  @pcwzrd13 Did you notice that the music played in Unreal Tournament fine but you lost all the sound effects?
Yeah, DragonCity mentioned that in an earlier post. I'm guessing the CDDA is using the same memory address as the sound effects and conflicting.

I think software that handle sound effects do hang if I try to use AICA channels. Seems the game handle errors badly Smile
The complete absence of sound effects, I observed only in this game so far.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 18.11.2020 в 07:35, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
18.11.2020 07:12
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Сообщение: #300
RE: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta

I checked your list for these game miss CDDA Smile

Looney Tunes Space Race
Magforce Racing
Rainbow Six
Super Runabout

and Speed Devils - Online Racing you say loader 0.7.x + cdda but there is not CDDA in this loader.

You can check my list :

We now have about the same thing! Smile

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
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18.11.2020 12:30
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