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Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed, now DC powers on but don't boot up
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tonyhoro Не на форуме

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Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed, now DC powers on but don't boot up
Hi guys, I have a modded DC with IDE mod and dreamshell set up, but the person who did the job for me wasn't quite savvy with electronics, and he made a very fragile soldering on the dual bios switch, attatched to the right side of the console. It wasn't even firmly fixed to the case, and because of this I accidentally broke the switch, leaving only the wires.

My question is: is it normal that without selecting a bios, it doesn't boot up? The logical sense tells me that this is the problem of course, but since I don't have much electronic knowlegde, I'm concerned to fix the switch and still have no image output.

Here's a pic of it, the wire with the electrical tape is the on that should be in the middle of the switch:

[Изображение: 77Lu6CQ.jpg]

.jpg  índice.jpg (Размер: 28.32 Кб / Загрузок: 6)
02.09.2020 00:15
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed
you can connect wire with the electrical tape to one wire and your dreamcast boot

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
02.09.2020 02:44
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kirillre4 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dual Bios switch
(02.09.2020 00:15)tonyhoro писал(а):  My question is: is it normal that without selecting a bios, it doesn't boot up?

Yeah, it's normal - without the switch both chips are disabled (both CE pulled up high) and you have no bios to boot.
03.09.2020 00:16
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Zychion Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Dual Bios switch
Just in case it isn't clearly written here, you must connect the centre wire (The duct tape wire) with one of the other 2 wires. Logically one of those other wires will lead to booting your original bios and the other wire will lead to your upgradable bios. Do not connect both. Just one or the other.
03.09.2020 03:16
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