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Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
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d.alex Не на форуме

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Кирпич Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
Hello everyone, I am alex from China. I have make a lot of Dreamcast SD Adapters, SD / TF cards compatible.
They are well tested and all ready to use.
If you haven't made such an adapter by yourself, you may buy one on this site: http://DC-SD.com
Free shipping to the worldwide for the new site opening period.
And many thanks to the Dreamshell
[Изображение: laa.jpg]
24.04.2011 13:11
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Lin Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
Во круто. С HDMI всё.

Dreamcast torrent tracker - www.dc4you.ru
24.04.2011 16:16
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ms18e Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
(24.04.2011 13:11)d.alex писал(а):  Hello everyone, I am alex from China. I have make a lot of Dreamcast SD Adapters, SD / TF cards compatible.
They are well tested and all ready to use.
If you haven't made such an adapter by yourself, you may buy one on this site: http://DC-SD.com
Free shipping to the worldwide for the new site opening period.
And many thanks to the Dreamshell
[Изображение: laa.jpg]

24.04.2011 16:53
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DoctorNicholas Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
i wonder if it can use the wifi sd cards and can be rerouted to play pso on private servers (im giving you a challenge, ive seen something similarly done before it might work).
24.04.2011 20:09
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d.alex Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
This is a great idea. But I do not have such a wifi card for testing. Maybe you can test it and let us know. Blush
(24.04.2011 20:09)DoctorNicholas писал(а):  i wonder if it can use the wifi sd cards and can be rerouted to play pso on private servers (im giving you a challenge, ive seen something similarly done before it might work).
25.04.2011 09:15
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TuxTheWise Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
It looks professional and the price is very good. Now everyone can get SD in their Dreamcasts Smile
30.04.2011 22:39
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fatman01923 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
(24.04.2011 13:11)d.alex писал(а):  Hello everyone, I am alex from China. I have make a lot of Dreamcast SD Adapters, SD / TF cards compatible.
They are well tested and all ready to use.
If you haven't made such an adapter by yourself, you may buy one on this site: http://DC-SD.com
Free shipping to the worldwide for the new site opening period.
And many thanks to the Dreamshell
[Изображение: laa.jpg]

Hey d.alex I just bought one from your site, I just wanted to say thanks for offering another way to buy these sd adapters. I just have a few questions for you:

1.Does it come in the color black only?
2.Does it support 32gb SD?
Thanks again, looking forward to receiving my item in the mail and I hope I'm helping your site by purchasing from you. Angel
01.05.2011 01:29
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TuxTheWise Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
Just a question, does it have the access LED?
03.05.2011 16:53
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
I just bought one from your site.
Have a good day Big Grin
02.09.2012 04:35
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cybdyn Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #10
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
d.alex -can you make a lot of gd-rom emulators and ext devices when it'll be tested with success?
02.09.2012 22:42
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Kiyoshi Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #11
Радуга RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
I just bought this, then joined DC-SWAT to comment.
I am excited for this newest SD adapter!

I've read that 32gb SDHC cards give many people problems.
It seems that 16gb SDHC is the best size, with no problems.
Alex, will 32gb SDHC card work with this new DC-SD adapter?

I read that SDXC cards do not work.
Is this a limitation of Dreamshell or the adapters?
I know the Dreamcast serial port is very slow, so SDXC speed is useless.

However, I wonder if anyone can route the SD card to the GD-ROM instead of the Serial port... maybe that way, 100% of Dreamcast games will work at 100% full speed... maybe?

Alex, the picture on http://dc-sd.com has "MicroSD" written on it, so I was confused if it would take normal SD card.
When I came back to this thread, I saw more pictures that said it accepts SD and microSD card... You might want to clarify on the website, though Big Grin
Thanks for your support.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 03.09.2012 в 12:15, отредактировал пользователь Kiyoshi.)
03.09.2012 12:08
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Kiyoshi Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #12
RE: Dreamcast SD adapters (card readers) for sale!
(i would love to use SDXC cards, as I can transfer at 95mb/sec when dumping files via my computer!)
03.09.2012 12:32
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