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lots of ideas, no experience, many questions;
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Zip Не на форуме

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lots of ideas, no experience, many questions;
Hello, my name is Zip. I am a Dreamcast enthusiast. I play a lot of homebrew, and I recently ordered an sd adapter, keyboard, and mouse. I really want to contribute to the DC homebrew scene although I am currently inexperienced. I do not expect to write my own programs or anything, but I would like to be able to port games to Dreamcast. To do this I know I need source code so I have searched for open source games and found many I like. I would also like to learn to make Scummvm disks, and I have a good Idea for a mod / repair guide for the DC ebook program. I wonder if it is possible to use a ps2 Guitar Hero controller with a Total Control Plus adapter on the DC. There is an open source Guitar Hero clone called Frets on Fire that will support the controller and also supports official Guitar Hero song packs. This would make a very good port. I have found a tutorial for translating in game text for the game "7 Mansions" This game was never released in the US and I have always wanted to play it. I am also trying to collect a complete Super Nintendo Pal romset for use in DreamSnes because I heard Pal roms are more compatible. These are some of my ideas. I have a friend who is a programmer and is willing to teach me, but I would like to know where to start.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 30.07.2011 в 14:11, отредактировал пользователь Zip.)
30.07.2011 14:03
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 86
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Сообщение: #2
RE: lots of ideas, no experience, many questions;
About the PS2 Guitar hero controller, yes it works with the PS2 adapter.

As for Frets on fire, it was discussed previously at this site.


There is a Bleemed PS1 Guitar game that works with the PS2 controller if you reconfigure the keys.


As for a snes emulator, forget you ever heard about Dreamsnes, it is not as fast as Snes4all. Chui just released it and it can play games real speed by tweaking the emulator settings.


If you can read Spanish, I would suggest going to Dreamcast.es, they have many guys that port small PC games to the Dreamcast and would be more than willing to help you out, although it is a spanish site, they have many people that speak English and you can post in English and they won't mind.


Also, if you want to download sdiso's, we have over almost 240 games for you to download to your sd card!


If you are interested in FPS games, you can port PC Half-Life mods to Dreamcast. They are the best looking homebrew ports on the Dreamcast.


I have also uploaded most of the HL mods here.


Anyway if you need to know anything else just ask, I love spreading Dreamcast related info.

Peace! Wink
01.08.2011 19:45
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Zip Не на форуме

Сообщений: 7
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Сообщение: #3
RE: lots of ideas, no experience, many questions;
Thank you very much that is awesome.
02.08.2011 09:56
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