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Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
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jeff-hl Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #41
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
So from what I understand, I have to download the game format. Gdi and extract all files from him and hack that worked with ISO_Make_pack_v2.0 correct? Why have a Resident Evil 3 on CD, extract all files and the patch did not work anyway so no only load the Dreamshell from the GD-ROM drive, the more Granpix F1 takes only catching the perfect time to play, and when Granpix F1 extract files from the CD he already has a IP.BIN and Resident evil 3 does not. can it be? I even put the IP.BIN ISO_Make_pack_v2.0 of what is inside the folder / sys he does not start: (. Thank you for your help and keep up the excellent work of you. await answers. and excuse my english I'm using google translator. Brazil.
27.07.2012 01:10
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jeff-hl Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #42
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
I managed to solve the problem after reading the previous posts, I looked at Alex's post and did the same, I apologize, I downloaded the DOA2 format. GDI and put the folder ISO_Make_pack_v2.0, and started the bin2iso.bat, he morphed the track3 . in bin. iso file, rename and put the SD card, and I selected the SD loader bootstrap1 and high memory, and bingo! opened perfect. I will test other games and see if I get the same result, the strange thing is I downloaded the GDI and Jetgridradio not worked with the same method, only works if the boot Dreamshell the original bios. weird ... what can this be? it load the original bios with dreamshell booted by cd? and he not only all the games work perfect if I run the original bios. this is a problem? can be solved to run all backups of games in a next version Dreamshell? Thanks for the attention of everyone!
28.07.2012 13:41
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #43
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
With high memory loader games works less than if you booted from the original BIOS and used the usual method of loading.
Maybe I'll find a way in the new version.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.07.2012 07:39
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #44
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
From reading jeff-hl and alex posts how to get the GDI to work, I had a go my self and not having any luck at all! I download a GDI file with all the tracks and then i copy the track03.bin to the root off ISO_make, Then i Clicked on bin2iso. So i have got the ISO image. But when i have a go running the ISO on dreamshell all i get is this!

[Изображение: IMG_0861.jpg]

I had a go with all the setting in the iso loader to and still getting the samething.

Do the GDI have to be self boot? As that what i may be doing wrong and do i have to hack the iso with the hack_lba.
One more thing what is best to use a Micro SD or a SD as i don't know if it's my Mirco sd what's doing it.

Thank you Undecided
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 31.07.2012 в 03:13, отредактировал пользователь Robbie.)
31.07.2012 02:59
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #45
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
I have had ago trying a new game that is a GDI file.
I GIVE UP!!! lol Big Grin
31.07.2012 03:12
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #46
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
What game have you tried? You have bios mod? Try to run from filemanager.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
31.07.2012 09:47
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 Сказали спасибо: jeff-hl
jeff-hl Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #47
Зеленый RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
(31.07.2012 03:12)Robbie писал(а):  I have had ago trying a new game that is a GDI file.
I GIVE UP!!! lol Big Grin

Calm cool friend Robbie did not give up the mind Angel. this problem is common. the only game that did Run after download several, it was Dead or Alive 2, I tried 2 more GDs Get the Grid Radio and Soul calibur and not worked Confused, then tried loading the original bios and it worked perfect Big Grin... I'm waiting for the next version of our friend SWAT, and I hope that with your wisdom to find a solution, it does a great job keeping the dreamcast alive!Tongue a hug and I am following the forum every day.Smile
31.07.2012 10:32
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Robbie Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #48
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Hey thnak you for the replys.
I have had a go with Toy Commander, american pro trucker, Sonic Adventure 2, Sega GT, Power Stone 2, Half Life CDI files.. What i have mounted with Daemon tools to mounted as a drive letter. Then copy all the files from the mounted drive to ISO_Make data folder and clicked on hack_lba two times then create_iso. But what ever iso i click on it will not boot. Sometimes showing that in the pic. And sometimes says loading .bin or ip.bin then reboot back to dreamsehll.

I have had ago downloading 4 games what are GDI files. Copy all the files from the GDI folder into the ISO_Make root folder and then click on gdi2data then from there i click on hack_lba two times and then creat_iso . But still will not boot.

Then i had ago what somebody put on here in a post. Copy the
track3 file and put it into the root off ISO_Make and click on bin2iso what made a iso. But every game i do doing that way still won't boot.

Then i had a go dumping my own games from my own disk what are Sonic Adventure 2, Crazy Taxi, Toy Commander,Power Stone 2 what are all PAL games. Done every thing what i did befor and still showing what is in the pic.
Or sometimes the reboot on load up. I have had ago setting all the settings right but still no go.

When i load Dreamshell from cd on the sega bios it will not show the sd card! Undecided
I don't know why but when i load Dreamshell from the modded bios with dreamshell sd loader. It will show the SD card.

I have got a new SD card on it's way what is not a Mirco SD. It's a SDHC card.

One more thing when i have ago loading the isos. Sometimes my drive will spin. Undecided

All am best doing is holding back for the next up data from swat as i had ago at everything. lol

Thank you all Smile
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 31.07.2012 в 21:24, отредактировал пользователь Robbie.)
31.07.2012 21:12
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