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RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
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whschimmel Не на форуме

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Восклицание RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
Hi there,

Am wondering something placed all my games in:

and made shortcuts for all games on my Dreamshell RC1 Desktop, these are started with a script like this:
very convenient. But sometimes I want to try other settings for the isoloader like an other startup method or high/low memmory.

When I start the iso loader and browse to /sd/DS/apps and select a gamefolder it shows up empty. So i can't start it manually.

How come? Confused

Is it possible to put these different settings in the XML files? then I just find out the ideal settings for the ISO and put it in the XML
27.07.2012 12:10
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
You can control all the parameters, type the isoldr command in the console and you'll see all of its parameters.

Usage: isoldr options args
-d, --dma       -Emulate DMA transfer (for more compability)
-t, --type      -Loader type (sd/hdd/cd/net/auto) default auto
-p, --lap         -Loader for low or high memory (default low)
-f, --file      -ISO Image file
-m, --mounted   -Set iso vfs path if ISO Image already mounted
-j, --jmp       -Boot mode: 0 = boot.bin (default), 1 = ip.bin legal screen, 2 = ip.bin bootstrap 1
-i, --ip        -Dreamcast IP addr, if used net loader (default from netif)
-h, --host      -Server IP addr, if used net loader (default
-a, --addr      -Boot.bin exec addr (default AC010000)
-l, --lba       -Boot.bin LBA (default get from IP.BIN or set 150(is a zero LBA))
-b, --boot     -Boot.bin file name (default get from IP.BIN)

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.07.2012 07:51
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whschimmel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
Thanks, going to fiddle with this!
30.07.2012 13:46
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whschimmel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
Does anybody know why my SDISO's are not shown when I manually browse trough my folders on my SD card?

Idea I think it has to do with the file sdisold.dat file which I can't find anymore on my SD card.
Is there a (console) command that rechecks all folders for SDISO's and recreates the file sdisold.dat?

I formatted my SD card, put the RC1 SD loader on the SD card again, and copied back my SDISO's
(damn 25 GB to SD is way slow on a class 10 sandisk 32GB card)
Still nothing was shown... HuhHuhHuh
30.07.2012 18:39
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SWAT Не на форуме

Сообщений: 7319
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Сообщение: #5
RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
The file sdisold.dat used only in Beta versions, RC version used another method.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
31.07.2012 09:36
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whschimmel Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
ok clear, then I know that I won't be needing that file
31.07.2012 11:12
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Enigma Hall Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: RC1 ISO loader not showing ISO's
I also had this issue using the RC1. This is solved pressing the green button while move the pointer manually at center screen outside menu.
12.11.2013 07:45
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