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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Сообщение: #501
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Tested with HDD SSD of 128GB 100%.
06.02.2017 17:39
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Сообщение: #502
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Yes I know it works in SSD ^^ but with 3 SSD..2 works... so not all ssd works !!

This is the third it works :
Samsung 750 EVO 250Gb

[Изображение: c97b682094373ad9a794deafda384d86.jpg]

So it's crazy why sometimes hard disk doesn't boot..strange!

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
06.02.2017 17:46
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Сообщение: #503
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(06.02.2017 17:46)dragoncity писал(а):  Yes I know it works in SSD ^^ but with 3 SSD..2 works... so not all ssd works !!

This is the third it works :
Samsung 750 EVO 250Gb

[Изображение: c97b682094373ad9a794deafda384d86.jpg]

So it's crazy why sometimes hard disk doesn't boot..strange!

Long wires to the SATA adapter can do this as it happens in flash hdd ide
06.02.2017 18:00
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Сообщение: #504
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
It's not longer aldair.

You don't understand : 2 SSD WORKS ! And 1 SSD does'nt WORKS!

So just 1 SSD don't want to boot it's not wire..adaptors etc... it's the SSD.

I don't know why but it's like that.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
06.02.2017 18:02
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Сообщение: #505
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(06.02.2017 18:02)dragoncity писал(а):  It's not longer aldair.

You don't understand : 2 SSD WORKS ! And 1 SSD does'nt WORKS!

So just 1 SSD don't want to boot it's not wire..adaptors etc... it's the SSD.

I don't know why but it's like that.
Use this:
[Изображение: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnAepAsEYx79QgW2EUtSi...maXDrrnAlM]

You will understand!
06.02.2017 18:08
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Сообщение: #506
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Yeah but this is TOO expensive lol

So for 240 GB I prefer SSD !

In fact you are right for Soul calibur,works perfectly in SSD.

I use this config : GDI + SYNC2.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
07.02.2017 01:50
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Сообщение: #507
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Was anybody successful in running bleemed games? In youtube
[Vamos a jugar a juegos bugeados] Collin McRae on sega dreamcast - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV1FE6kGn1c
He used ds_icon version. I can't find it.

I tried running bleemed cmr from SD, set "homebrew" in isoloader, bleem logo shows and nothing is happening.
08.02.2017 05:28
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Сообщение: #508
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I used bleemcast but with CDI version (backup)
But just for fun.. ^^

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
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> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
08.02.2017 15:42
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Сообщение: #509
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Well, i'm asking if anybody was successful in running bleemed games *entirely in DS*.
I know that you can load bleem with DS, and then *put in cd* psx game.
I guess guy who ran "callin macrea rally" did it that way.
But i was hoping that you could run bleemed games without cd.

Btw, to run bleem in DS, you need to select "homebrew" in isoloader, as bleem bin is scrambled.

Swat, is it even possible to run bleemed games with DS? Gdemu can't run it.
08.02.2017 19:29
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Сообщение: #510
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Last time I tested in Dreamshell doesn't work,it's why I tested with CDROM.


I Finished the 1rst GDROM of "Skies Of Arcadia",in GDI,it's perfect!!
And with SSD it's again better than SATA,it's more fluid.

But don't use SYNC 16,if not I had a freeze...so GDI and normal config it's perfect Smile

And after the 1rst gdrom,you can save,and power off the console and run the 2nd GDROM..so very good Smile


Now a question,I had a shorcut,it's more confortable when you play the same game Smile

But how can I remove the shorcut directly in Dreamshell?

Thank you Smile

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
08.02.2017 20:27
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Сообщение: #511
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
SAO usa on pal ide hdd works perfectly with dma sync16(true don't work) 4rc4.
@dragoncity, does dma work for you? because in your list, i don't see dma. and without dma, for me there a some lags when loading battles.
Wiht dma sync16 it's almost perfect, and i'm really picky for that. There ar no hiccups whatsoever. Without dma i noticed hiccups.

It's funny, i always thought that dma need to be true. I mean when you changing settings in isoloader from true to sync8 or other, dma is turned off automatically. Only few weeks ago i finally understood, that you can *turn on* dma for sync8 or sync16 or whatever. And with dma it loads faster.
08.02.2017 21:39
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Сообщение: #512
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
With DMA or Without DMA for me it's the same. But after it's depend of your support (IDE..CF..SATA or SSD)

Sync 16 works..but after 10 hours of game I had a freeze...and when you have a freeze and you didn't save during 1 hour...you said..OMG !!!!!

But with SYNC 8 no problem. So If you play,Use Sync 8 or maybe you can have a freeze Smile

Edit : I tested the 2nd GDROM,with DMA,and the save...black screen ! so With DMA in PAL..blackscreen !

For me the best config for this game it's : GDI + SYNC8 + 000400,so normal config.

And the BEST,it's with SSD (or CF),because with SATA I have a little lag during battles.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
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08.02.2017 21:42
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Сообщение: #513
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok, so it looks that CF have no use for DMA. But in IDE it's really is noticeable.

Well i really didn't test sao for 10h with those settings. maybe 1h at best.

soul callibur: I can confirm, as one user said, soul calibur optimized does not work on IDE. With your settings, or different. I tested usa, pal, jpn versions. But i *didn't test repacked version* as that user suggested. Will do that when decide to take out my hdd.

But unfortunately this mean that your list for ide users isn't really useful. You have only few game that says support DMA. for IDE it's really important.

I don't see anywhere in your list that it's written for SATA, as i have IDE i automatically assumed that those settings are for IDE. Settings for CF ar ok, because it's written that they are for CF.

My advise would be, please write that your list is for SATA and CF, not for IDE. And that some games will work with those settings in IDE but settings are not optimal, and in some games performance difference will be big.

For example "soul reaver" on IDE works with dma true, and difference is huge. Because without DMA it's lagging(when i say lagging, it's really small lag, but big enough and constant for me, that i would not play it), because game is constantly loading in background. I guess in CF it's not noticeable, but on IDE it's.
Maybe it's noticeable only for me, because my IDE is 2.5 5200rpm. I guess on 3.5 7200 fast IDE it would be different. I don't know, i didn't tested it. But everything makes change, because of that, you need to write all testing data.
08.02.2017 22:19
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Сообщение: #514
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
soul callibur: I can confirm, as one user said, soul calibur optimized does not work on IDE. With your settings, or different. I tested usa, pal, jpn versions. But i *didn't test repacked version* as that user suggested. Will do that when decide to take out my hdd.

Yes it's my fault,I changed.
I Put the config for SATA.
This game is very BORING !!

So the result :

SATA : OPT + SYNC 7 (but works random...not perfect)

Do you use a PAL dreamcast and PAL GDI?
If you can test Soul Calibur on IDE with GDI + SYNC 2.

For example "soul reaver" on IDE works with dma true, and difference is huge. Because without DMA it's lagging(when i say lagging, it's really small lag, but big enough and constant for me, that i would not play it), because game is constantly loading in background. I guess in CF it's not noticeable, but on IDE it's.

There is an other point,it's depend of your hard disk IDE.
I tested 2 disk IDE,and with one disk ide lag during the game and other disk don't lag..so maybe it's your hard disk also!!

For finish,

First :
My list for beginning it's for ME !
But I share for you,I reboot more 1000 times my dreamcast,for test all config...and it's very boring.

Second :
One game can works with DMA on IDE,and doesn't work in SATA..or CF etc... !
AND it's depend of the region of dreamcast,if you use a US Dreamcast..it's sometimes not the same config of PAL dreamcast. (I said on my page)
For me soul reaver don't lag in IDE.

Third :
I already say,if you would like to make your list,MAKE !!
For me it's very important to see the config of others.
So make your list Wink

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08.02.2017 в 23:12, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
08.02.2017 22:33
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Сообщение: #515
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Actually i never tested gdi format, because swat always says to use optimized. And i thought that gdi and optimized have same results.
As i said, i will test repacked and then gdi soulcalibur pal later.

Does soulcalibur runs for you in full speed? i think on SD i launched (i think jpn) repacked, but gemeplay is slower compared to original.

I understand that this list is for you, but if you would write game region, was it tested on SATA or HDD(what hdd, 2.5 5200, 3.5 7200) this lis would be perfect and for others.

I was off from Dreamcast for half a year, but for some reason at this time in year i always come back. So i will write my compatibility list here.
08.02.2017 23:13
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Сообщение: #516
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Actually i never tested gdi format, because swat always says to use optimized
Test many games,and you will see that many games don't boot in GDI OPT,so it's not all the times.

Does soulcalibur runs for you in full speed?
Yes,in IDE,CF and SSD.
SATA it's random..

i think on SD i launched (i think jpn) repacked
On SD !!!! SD IS VERY SLOW!! Don't use SD,just for chuchu rocket Smile

I understand that this list is for you, but if you would write game region, was it tested on SATA or HDD(what hdd, 2.5 5200, 3.5 7200) this lis would be perfect and for others.
It's ALWAYS Pal Version and if it not PAL version I put in the title of the game or in "Notes". Smile
Exemple : AeroWings -US- (us version)
I began 1 year ago..I don't remember but each time with the most speed so 7200.
First I began with IDE,and after CF..after SATA and now SSD.

IDE and CF..I don't see any difference.
IDE and SATA..difference..sometimes better in SATA..sometimes the opposite.

And recently,2 days ago,SSD.
And for me it's the best for the moment.

I was off from Dreamcast for half a year, but for some reason at this time in year i always come back. So i will write my compatibility list here.
Very good,because here it's very calm... so I hope a guy like me who makes his list Smile
But there is here very good people who helps me and each others Blush

The problem is the list,it's not update for RC4.

So i decided to make my list..and you will see..it's very boring to test each games...with ALL memories..With DMA... GDI... GDI OPT... etc...
So good luck Big Grin

If in my list you see anything it's not correct,you can told me,I appreciate Smile
BUT you can't say you need to....
or this games works on IDE DMA..so your list it's not correct...

Because I told before,it's depend of support..and the GDI..and the dreamcast.

So say this games works better on IDE and DMA..and you what you think?

It's better no? Wink


> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08.02.2017 в 23:27, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
08.02.2017 23:24
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Сообщение: #517
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
* tested on 4rc4 git megavolt version(current git version from git should be the same, but...), that he posted few pages back, ide hdd 2.5 5200rpm. pal DC. DS loads from cd. Those settings are best possible, if game supports DMA i use it, few games use dma16, some dmatrue). All games support VGA.

example of chortcut:

module -o -f /sd/DS/modules/minilzo.klf
module -o -f /sd/DS/modules/isofs.klf
module -o -f /sd/DS/modules/isoldr.klf
isoldr -s 1 -a -c -x 0x8c000100 -f /ide/3/Worms\World\Party\(USA)/disk.gdi
console --show
isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8c000100 -f /sd/games/golem..nbc-tlg.bin.bin2iso.iso -j 1 (bin2iso)(perfect)(need to create shortcut, can't run from isoloader on 4rc3, 4rc4, DS reboots, but with shortcut, it works perfectly)
isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8c004000 -f /sd/games/Mars\Matrix\noDMA.dcide.iso (gdi repack, opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8c004000 -f /sd/games-hmb/Quake1.iso maqaku 1.5 engine (sdiso)(good)(can change video resulution, 320-runs quite good, there are some lags(or just framerate is small), don't know how good it work from cd, 640 - lags horribly)
isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8c004000 -f /sd/games-hmb/Rise_Of_The_Triad.iso (tiz,sdiso)(perfect?)(there are some cracking in music, but that does not botter me, really cool 1995 pc game, very fun to play with DC gamepad, cool music, recomed it)

isoldr -s 1 -a -e 16 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/1/Carrier\(USA).gdi.iso (opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/1/Dino.crisis.pal.vga_jc.git.iso (opti)(perfect)(no video lag)(vga hack)
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/2/Ecco\the\Dolphin\-\Defender\of\the\Future\(USA)/disk.gdi (opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8cfe0000 -f /ide/1/F355.pal.gdi.iso (opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -e 16 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/1/Project.Justice.usa.gdi.iso (opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -e 16 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/2/Sao.usa.gdi.1.iso (opti)(perfect?)(skies of arcadia, almost perfect, i'm not really sure yet, but it's a lot better than yzb version, sometimes i notice minimal shuttering during batlle load time, sometime there isn't any. need more testing, there is tiny lag when flying with ship, don't know is it DS, is it game)
isoldr -s 1 -a -e 16 -x 0x8c000100 -f /ide/2/Shadow\Man\(USA)/disk.gdi (opti)(perfect_)( it's not perfect, because there a small lags in rendered sinematics, but gamelay is smooth as in cd version, in cd version everything is smooth and cutscenes don't lag, so cd is better for it, when it will work DMA TRUE, will be perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -a -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/2/Shenmue\II\(Europe)\(Disc\1)/disk.gdi (opti)(perfect?)(DMA TRUE, so loading extremely fast, and there is A LOT in this game, it looks like there is small lag when you looking around(you need to be really picky to notice it, i'm sure many people will not notice it, but for me it's noticeable), i don't know how smooth it is from cd, i will try sometime)
isoldr -s 1 -a -e 16 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/1/Blue.stinger.usa.gdi.iso (opti)(perfect)
isoldr -s 1 -a -c -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/3/Worms\Armageddon\(USA)/disk.gdi (opti)(good)(wince game, cinematic have small lag, gameplay is smooth, music perfect, but pc takes a lot of time for turn, as i remeber on pc, it was a lot faster. That makes this game not enjoyable for me, how fast pc makes decisions on cd?)
isoldr -s 1 -a -c -x 0x8c000100 -f /ide/3/Worms\World\Party\(USA)/disk.gdi (opti)(good) (wince game, cinematic have small lag, gameplay is smooth, music perfect, but pc takes a lot of time for turn, as i remeber on pc, it was a lot faster. That makes this game no enjoyable for me, how fast pc makes decisions on cd?)

(ok)Evil Twin (eu) pal dc, ide 2.5 hdd, 4rc3, no dma, 0x8c0000e4, gdi opti. (!! dont skip intro, or it will hang up, that was every time for me) (i looks that is running as good as from cd, but it's not smooth unfortunately(the same in DS and in CD), that problem was described in many reviews of it's time)
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 20:51, отредактировал пользователь shwoaps.)
08.02.2017 23:46
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Сообщение: #518
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Ok it's hard to read but it's better than nothing Smile
google sheets it's not bad no? Smile

An other thing for SOA
There is a little lag during loading battles (but very very very small lag)..but with original games I see the same lag..and worst..because the gdrom loading the battles..and you listen the gdrom turn on ^^

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08.02.2017 в 23:57, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
08.02.2017 23:53
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Сообщение: #519
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
about SOA, i'm still not sure but it looks like sometimes there is no lag at all with dma16(true don't work for me). Some time there is.

Ok, just tried SOA. In beginning, when you just get ship, in random encounters when flying with ship, i just counted that during battle load, video shuttered 4 times, for a really short moment. tested with 4 random encounters.
In the shrine island, it shuttered 3 times, for even smaller moment.

I remember that after longer playing time, shuttering was almost not noticeable, maybe hdd need's to heat up, it's really cold in my room.
09.02.2017 00:25
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Сообщение: #520
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
It's like Evil Twin.

I finished this game in CF,but a long time ago.

I never had a problem for launch this game.

But with SATA and SSD...the same problem..sometimes launch and sometimes don't launch..it's random !!

So it's very boring to find the config for each games.

If you can test,test Evil Twin.

> Dreamcast GD-IDE
> Dreamcast G1-ATA
> Dreamcast New-Bios
> RetroDream

>> Compatibility List Dreamshell / RetroDream By DragonCity <<
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.02.2017 в 00:35, отредактировал пользователь dragoncity.)
09.02.2017 00:34
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