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[solved] ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
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shwoaps Не на форуме

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[solved] ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
If i boot DS from IDE, i can't load games(it hangs on DS game loading screen). Tried 5 games that are working perfectly when DS is loaded from SD. Even the smallest games don't load.
Speed test works ok.

When DS is loaded from SD, everything works ok, games work with dma and cdda(those that should). boot-loader is on cd. I have no chip mod, i'm using original sega bios.
Practically all games that are in g1ata compatibility list works.

Is it normal? Or there is some problem with my ide mod?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08.05.2015 в 15:50, отредактировал пользователь shwoaps.)
08.05.2015 00:09
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
Цитата:Is it normal?
Цитата:Or there is some problem with my ide mod?
Speed test works ok.
May be problem with HDD

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
08.05.2015 02:32
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
Very strange. Can you try another HDD?
"DS game loading screen" - what you mean?

[Изображение: barbers.png]
08.05.2015 09:23
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shwoaps Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
>>May be problem with HDD

Yes that was the problem. Old 2.5 40gb Toshiba had this problem, it had some bad sectors reallocated. And it become noisy over time(10 years of duty in my laptop). Still, all games worked when DS was loaded from SD.

Changed with old 2.5 40gb samsung and games load with DS on HDD ok.

>>"DS game loading screen" - what you mean?
That few lines after booting game - DS doing that and that, loading filesystem etc...

* Is there any difference for game compatibility if i load DS from SD or HDD or CD(without bios mod)?

* About that faulty IDE(this happened later, and totally broke game compatibility), my DC with IDE were lying on the ground with box on top of it(for silence) and my brother kicked slightly that box. After that i can't load any game from that IDE, in any way(when DS is loaded from cd, sd or hdd). But speed test still works fine, HDD in laptop works fine(didn't test thoroughly but i can copy files ok), and SMART status don't show any problems.
I guess DS is very picky Smile.
08.05.2015 15:50
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: [solved] ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
Цитата:Is there any difference for game compatibility if i load DS from SD or HDD or CD(without bios mod)?

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
08.05.2015 16:13
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elpedromolina04 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
hello megavolt!! I wanted to ask if this diagram is correct?


the points to weld the wires from ide socket

my hdd not work, instantly appears the boot menu an two options.... load from ram or cd, not hdd, i tried all of posibilities and nothing happens...

i format the hdd in fat32 , i tried slave mode, cable select, before the hdd works correctly, now not

i format the hdd in fat32 , i tried slave mode, cable select, hdd worked fine before to tried this new hdd mod, with the wires soldered in motherboard

13.05.2015 23:58
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jjaa081620 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: [solved] ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
I like CF card

14.05.2015 00:59
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: [solved] ide mod quality/games don't load when DS boots from IDE
image on http://www.dreamcast.es/forum/viewthread...&pid=14116 very small

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
14.05.2015 03:52
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