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Updating Dreamshell (Github)
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Turbokat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #1
Updating Dreamshell (Github)
So I'm learning GitHub is the newer version of Dreamshell. My HDD modded DC was purchased off someone and carries DS4 RC4 that leaves me with two questions.

1.) How to tell whether I have "normal" DS RC4 or GitHub already?

2.) Can someone refer me to a tutorial on how to update Dreamshell.

Again, I didn't do the mod however I know how to install games and stuff on there. I've got an HDD enclosure to see what's on the DCHDD via PC and would like to know the process for this.
08.05.2017 14:07
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
Hi. First of all you'll need an USB adapter for your HDD (I assume you have one).
I don't know which version of DS you have but you can check if you have the new app GD PLAY and if your ISO LOADER have settings options for patching memory.

1. Remove your HDD and connect it to your computer (assuming you have an USB adapter for your HDD)
2. Make a backup of your HDD DS folder to C:\My_DS_Backup\DS
3. Delete all content inside your HDD DS folder (you now have an empty DS folder on your DC HDD)
3. Browse over to: https://github.com/DC-SWAT/DreamShell and download the repo by clicking "Clone or download" to download the repo zip-file
4. Extract the zip-file and copy all content from the 'build' folder to your empty DS folder of the DC HDD
5. In the DS folder: remove DEBUG_DS_CORE.BIN and EMU_DS_CORE.BIN (keep the DS_CORE.BIN)

1. Browse to your backup copy of the DS folder in C:\My_DS_Backup\DS.
2. Copy the content of your backup presets folder: My_DS_Backup/DS/apps/ISO_LOADER/presets/
3. Paste the content to your presets folder of your DC HDD: DS/apps/ISO_LOADER/presets/ (skip overwriting the .keepme file)

If something goes wrong you can always just delete your DS folder and copy over your backup from C:\My_DS_Backup\DS
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08.05.2017 в 17:40, отредактировал пользователь jacobsson.)
08.05.2017 17:38
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 Сказали спасибо: DCF
Turbokat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
Instead of using my internal HDD which is almost full, will everything back-up properly if I copy/paste DS OS to an external HDD?

Thanks for the help btw.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.05.2017 в 05:15, отредактировал пользователь Turbokat.)
09.05.2017 05:06
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
That should be no problem at all, the idea of me being so specific with the path C:\My_DS_Backup\DS was just to eliminate any misunderstandings.

I'm glad to help!
09.05.2017 11:41
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 Сказали спасибо: Turbokat
Turbokat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
(09.05.2017 11:41)jacobsson писал(а):  That should be no problem at all, the idea of me being so specific with the path C:\My_DS_Backup\DS was just to eliminate any misunderstandings.

I'm glad to help!

You have, thanks! Things were a bit rocky at first. (Loading screen froze when exiting GD Play, then it froze upon entering ISO Loader, yikes!)

Turned off the DC and left it alone for a bit. Cleaned blemishes off my DS disc then reconnected the HDD making sure everything fit snuggly. All operations are normal now. Smile
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10.05.2017 в 10:31, отредактировал пользователь Turbokat.)
10.05.2017 10:30
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jacobsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
(10.05.2017 10:30)Turbokat писал(а):  
(09.05.2017 11:41)jacobsson писал(а):  That should be no problem at all, the idea of me being so specific with the path C:\My_DS_Backup\DS was just to eliminate any misunderstandings.

I'm glad to help!

You have, thanks! Things were a bit rocky at first. (Loading screen froze when exiting GD Play, then it froze upon entering ISO Loader, yikes!)

Turned off the DC and left it alone for a bit. Cleaned blemishes off my DS disc then reconnected the HDD making sure everything fit snuggly. All operations are normal now. Smile
Hmm that's interesting!
I think I had that exact problem too, I guess I might have to do with a sensitive IDE connection between DC and IDE -adapter. I recommend testing it a bit more extensively to make sure it's stable.
10.05.2017 17:26
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
update code on Github, please redownload DS from github

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
10.05.2017 19:12
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 Сказали спасибо: Turbokat , jacobsson
Turbokat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: Updating Dreamshell (Github)
(10.05.2017 19:12)megavolt85 писал(а):  update code on Github, please redownload DS from github
Megavolt (the author of this update I presume, pleased to meet ya!) is right. Downloaded after the code was updated, tried a couple of games and they appear to work!

Haven't had time to fully test. MvC1 JP seems to be working great (although it was glitchy during first launch, fine on restart) Smith's English Dub for Shenmue 2 launched hence a good sign. When I get home I will proceed with more testing. Thanks Mega.
10.05.2017 20:48
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