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Spawn In The Demons Hand (Chinese Version) Dreamcast.
Автор Сообщение
aldair Не на форуме

Сообщений: 765
Зарегистрирован: 03.02.2012
Рейтинг: 7
Сказал спасибо: 96
Поблагодарили 262 раз(а) в 193 сообщ.
Сообщение: #1
Spawn In The Demons Hand (Chinese Version) Dreamcast.
Download: https://mega.nz/#!R40zzQha!o5pigODB2QzRL...hwiELkbjTg
Compressed file optimization

all open
1. L+↑
2. L+↓
3. L+→
4. L+←

5. R+↑
6. R+↓
7. R+→
8. R+←

9. ↑
10. ↓
11. →
12. ←

13. A


Staff Edit: Google translation of Chinese-:

Remove unwanted duplicate files.

Compressed files, optimize reading.

Full figures can directly select the whole Atlas.

Before titles player to enter specific instruction can see hidden CG, in fact, some of the clips only titles, but the picture quality is far higher, I do not know why. You can only enter a CG Cheats, so to enter 13 times, very troublesome.
These instructions are as follows:

15.05.2019 05:37
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
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