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my dreamcast totally messed up after I tried Hdd mod...
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chth96 Не на форуме

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my dreamcast totally messed up after I tried Hdd mod...
I tried below tutorial in order to make my dreamcast to enable hdd mod.

[Изображение: 20210210-123852.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-123907.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-145327.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-123920.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-145248.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-145253.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-145304.jpg]
[Изображение: 20210210-145309.jpg]

I finished soldering and connecting all of wire properly. I even confirm most of 40 pin connected correct place with Multimeter's Continuity test.
You can view above screenshot of my soldering works of hdd mod..

But When I power on my dreamcast it never go into initial screen,It display dreamcast logo then it display black screen forever like below youtube link which I just have made...

Am I totally ruined my dreamcast?and Is there any chance to revive my dreamcast?
10.02.2021 10:52
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chth96 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: my dreamcast totally messed up after I tried Hdd mod...
I forgot to mentioned that I also refered to below site for connect point to ground.

Am I spoiled my dreamcast in the process of soldering and Is there any chance to fix my dreamcast?
10.02.2021 11:06
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chth96 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 78
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Сообщение: #3
RE: my dreamcast totally messed up after I tried Hdd mod...
I desoldered all of connected wire and Now My dreamcast seems to work fine.I think It is my mistake to use thick wire in order to connect solder joint which have narrow gap distances..
11.02.2021 05:32
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
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