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ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
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fafadou Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #362
RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
(06.04.2023 06:38)SWAT писал(а):  Comparison with version 0.6 does not make sense.
BTW, Worms World Party works for me.

Ok I'm sorry, But if for any reason, it will not run, we'll have a solution Smile
I don't talk about old loader anymore.

(06.04.2023 06:38)SWAT писал(а):  
(06.04.2023 02:22)fafadou писал(а):  Looney toons
black screen

This game can boot only from 8c004800, but at this address only a basic loader fits (without IRQ, CDDA and any features). So it's deadlocked with CDDA support. Only users with 32MB mod can enjoy CDDA in this game yet. If it works there Smile)

I know this one is particular but I understand now why, better, thank you Smile
As @pcwrd13 tried guilty gear, I'll try this one because I very like it Wink

(06.04.2023 06:38)SWAT писал(а):  
(06.04.2023 02:22)fafadou писал(а):  Msr
Freeze at warning screen

I've been fighting for it for a very long time. Most likely it will work together with the rest of WinCE.

I hope so Smile
I didn't try low level with this one and nba 2k2.
06.04.2023 11:20
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RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5 - fafadou - 06.04.2023 11:20

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