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ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
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CrisMod Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #585
RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5
(18.09.2023 14:19)SWAT писал(а):  I updated KallistiOS to latest and updated GCC to 13.2. Did a complete rebuild and made a test release: https://github.com/DC-SWAT/DreamShell/re...0.0RC5-T27
Also in this archive I put debug versions of core and iso loader firmware (in "debug" directory of isoldr).
So anybody can run with logging. But in some cases, logging levels will need to be adjusted to understand the reason.
When using debug loaders, you will often have to change the settings, since they take up more memory.
Serial baud rate is 115200.

@SWAT, I have installed everything from zero, and all the steps going smooth and now it works everything with latest upgrades, Great Job!!!

Now, that everything it's working, I would like to give you the Debugging resaults of the freezing problem from "Tomb Raider Chronicles".
I have tested few times and when the game freeze it repeats "REQdcREQCmd: 36" before freezing or at start of freezing seems there is also some "DMAdcREQCmd: 36" , please watch the pic attached below.

.png  Freezing REQdcREQCmd 36.png (Размер: 26.04 Кб / Загрузок: 12)
18.09.2023 18:45
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RE: ISO Loader 0.8.x Beta + preview of DreamShell v4.0 RC 5 - CrisMod - 18.09.2023 18:45

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