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A strange question about modifying cdda music
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kof888 Не на форуме

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A strange question about modifying cdda music
I recently modified a DC game, which is KOF98.
I want to modify one of the music of this gameBig Grin

Perhaps a friend knows that in 3vs3 mode, after the first battle, the concert stops, and then after the second battle starts, the concert starts again.
I've found the address and modified it, and I've tested it on the simulator and the music won't stop (nulldc demul Makaron works all right)
But I found a strange problem in testing on gdemu. When testing on gdemu, it still stops and replays. It's a problem for me. Do any friends know what's going on?
Enclosed is the modified address:

Japanese version of GDI modified address 0x17a3fd00 0b43 change 0900
Japanese version of the 1st file is modified to address 0xBC26E 0b43 change 0900
US version of GDI modified address 0x181132c2 0b43 change 0900
US version of the 1st file modified address 0xBC2A2 0b43 change 0900

Can any friend help me try on rc4?
thank youBig Grin
30.08.2018 17:21
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kof888 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 190
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Рейтинг: 5
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Поблагодарили 62 раз(а) в 28 сообщ.
Сообщение: #2
RE: A strange question about modifying cdda music
Well, this question looks stupid.

I guess it's because the way you read data and game CDs on the simulator is different. On a real host, there's a headless move to read other data, so the cdda track will definitely stop playing
31.08.2018 04:02
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